30.04.2024 Crazy Time 3 Best Wins this Weekend (27 - 29 April 2024)

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All right Angel oo passion and 20x that. sounds kind exciting as. well all right let's C. CL well hi there how are you happy to. see you so do you know what it. means that the highest first of all look. at the. board first of all look at the board. yeah no I don't want to say anything but. look at the board 2000x is the highest. one guys and I think I need to remind. you about rules as well in this case. maybe even not like oh the multipliers. are kind of. awesome. 20x so ladies and gentlemen I think it's. time to reveal will I even recognize. where that 2K is. nice Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah 25x from. the we have 25x. 10,500 be it's going to be. the look at the board holy gu it's. stunning and shuffle them up no matter. what you're going to get your guys it's. going to be. amazing I did not think we're going to. get it.

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