30.04.2024 Hitting a big win on Sweet Bonanza

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Thought i'd try my luck over on sweet. bonanza on hollywood bits with some. bonus buys gonna buy one for 240 maybe. we can get to three. if the. sweet bonanza fruits or candies or. whatever are gonna shine for us. let's see what we're gonna get. oh. 50 times with nothing cooking i can't. believe that man no. oh. tease us like that under 20 times wow. wow. it's going to be one of those sessions. isn't it. bananas nope. bananas scrapes peaches whether 50 times. maybe more more more. okay. 56 times that's uh i mean. fortune didn't pay all that well. but nice to get a 50 times after. complaining about them. um grapes blooper lickies yes small more. ball no eight times i mean that paid. more than the 50 times. 500 bucks so we actually uh up a little. bit here. so let's push our luck with a slightly. more expensive one let's do 280.

Bananas more free spins no. we just needed a peach there. oh close close. oh lots going on there but no. winds come on it just takes one good. spin. one good spin. peaches. yes anything more no okay 20 times that. not really nice but yeah. oh 16 times needed one more banana and. we would have had a chance with some. grapes. not a great one not a great one but not. not a complete dud at least. five free spins off the bat okay see if. they give anything one. two. three. wow. four. okay give us some watermelons. okay one more free spin. only one like 11 bucks not great yeah. not great free spins. bananas peaches yes watermelons yes. purple. little things blue pelicans yes come on. more more. we'll take it we'll take it it's uh 25. 24 times 370 rand we've got a couple. spins left. oh there was that 20 times. bananas. peaches yes okay 15 times.

Would be nice to get those blue color. keys. and that's probably it isn't it yeah. okay so let's keep pushing our luck. let's go up to 300.. nope. nope. oh. not cooking off at all this looks like a. dad. looks like a rotten pack of candy. oh dear. oh dear oh dear oh dear. lost that was that was terrible that was. really really terrible let's push it up. to 360.. get a bit greedy. see if it works out for us. okay. oh no okay 22 times and that's at least. something to start with. 18 16 times in that one. grapes. peaches. not. bananas bananas. yeah oh i thought there was bananas. there oh dear. there's no bananas. nothing there either. a bit of a dad one here. come on grapes grapes grapes come on. come on more bonuses more bonuses more. bonuses. 18 times i write a theta bits of paid a. bit. let's do one for. four i'm just worried there's got to be.

A really bad one we've had one dead one. i'm sure this is going to be another one. it's not this one. hopefully this is going to be the big. win one. nothing. nothing. oh yeah this is the dad hair. grapes. bananas not much else cooking on that. one. oh man this is the foot 100 times oh we. missed out on it we missed out on it ah. this is just not paid out all absolute. dud even with that hundred times. flashing up we need grapes we need. peaches we need some big bonuses. um it's not gonna do it's not gonna do. it. man that hundred times flashed up 100. times flashed up. don't be a dad one come on. nothing. looking like a dad get bananas nothing. else. more free spins please more free spins. okay we need a bonus now not a two times. man. no. bananas. okay. nothing else going on that one. which is nice nice but. grape scrapes grapes please.

Oh not bad not bad still haven't made up our initial steak though another 100 times what come on more bonuses more bonuses five times okay so we almost make our money back on that one there's 100 times man teasing us teasing us been close to having some really bad ones 14 times peaches bananas peaches no 22 times and last one not a great station uh watermelons no i paid okay i guess don't have enough for that 400 so you have to buy one for 300. okay give us some bananas okay bonuses blue pillow keys bonuses please yo where were the bonuses man just a 10 times disappointing okay peaches grapes grapes nut two spins left not much going on this one either at least it gets a somewhat decent multi multigame grapes with the eighth nut yeah then i have to drop the steak down again down to 240.

Not ideal we need a big win here. not looking good. this looks like a dad. uh bananas. bananas please. okay bonuses. i was hoping for one of these pink ones. nah dad dad. last one. oh apples bananas. come on come on more more more. drop it down to 200 now. not looking good here. bananas yes okay bonuses please not a. five times more i need a bigger bonus. than that my friend more more more more. more ah. one more grape one more grape. bananas okay peaches. oh free spins okay we'll take those. okay let's see if they pay anything one. two bananas. okay one's paid that's uh three left. oh ten times anything more. 20 times okay so i mean i paid a little. bit not very much though. and we still got our normal spins to go. through. okay come bananas or blooper keys no. ah i think that's probably it. another bananas watermelons maybe nope.

Not even watermelons. bananas yes bananas blue pilickies. just one shy again. one shy from that nice one. okay bananas watermelons yes uh peaches. come on bonus bonus bonus big one big. one big one for daddy come on big one. for daddy. oh. just a little short just a little short. oh 12 times there. come one bananas. let's push it up. 360 again. that wasn't a bad one but. to be honest that was pretty decent. bananas yes grapes grapes yes blooper. keys yes yes yes bonuses bonuses bonuses. come on more grapes more bonuses please. apples apples bonuses please yes come on. baby. that's what i'm talking about. that's what i'm talking about two. thousand rand. there we go that's what i'm talking. about sensational fantastic and we still. got a couple of spins left. oh come on come on peaches peaches. peaches yes baby come on grapes.

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