30.04.2024 How to Win the Peg Game

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To win the peg game start with hole one or the top hole of the triangle open then take the peg in hole four and jump over the peg in hole two use the peg and hole six to jump the peg in hole five then use the peg and hole one to jump the peg and hole three at this point the four empty holes at the top of the triangle should make a diamond shape next use the peg in hole seven to jump the peg in hole four use the peg in hole 13 to jump the peg in hole eight then use the peg and hole 10 to jump the peg and hole nine from there use the peg in hole two to jump the peg in hole four use the peg and hole seven to jump the peg and hole eight then use the peg and hole 15 to jump the peg in hole 14.

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