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Hey how'd you pronounce that again. oh my God ladies and gentlemen welcome. back to the juicy YouTube channel I'm so. freaking excited yet nervous for this. episode episode 4 I believe in the ten. thousand dollar buy on every slot Series. today as you read by the title Gates of. Olympus dude oh my God we're gonna go. into our Bitcoin balance here and do a. little warmup a 2 000 Gates warm-up and. then after that we're gonna send the ten. thousand dollar juicer you know I made. the mistake in the past episodes of just. hopping straight ended that's like scary. let's do a 1200 buy warm it up and if. this one's bad maybe we do one more. warmup and then hop into the 10K but. like oh my God Gates is one of those. slots that can pay absolutely insane or. just take every cent from your pocket. so to put ten thousand dollars on it is.

Gonna be. it's gonna be exciting but like holy not. going very great you really need. multipliers to make anything on the slot. there's a nice little 2X. honestly feeling really happy that I. don't have ten thousand dollars on this. buy right now that would be uh that'd be. a shame. Forex here damn I thought we'd get Golds. or Blues but no guess not nothing nada. okay hourglasses no multis though no. money this is horrific. horrific nice 5x though though could. maybe make do with this. make doo doo nice. come on four more spins oh scatters on. the board man yikes yikes boys. oh my God drop some rings drop a multi. and we actually can make money back here. come on Golds and a multi nice. how much is that. 432. I mean it's better that we ended like. this we got another multi no connection. no okay could have been worse could have.

Been worse but still terrible almost. lost. pretty much lost 50 of our buyin I'm. gonna go and do an 1800 buy and then. we're gonna drop the 10K. man I'm just like not ready for. this but I have to commit we gotta go. for it our Bitcoin balance is probably. gonna be emptied before a hundred. thousand dollar one. okay come on come on come on. no way. okay nice nice nice nice steal can we. get crowns here. uh we get Golds here chalices maybe oh. my God what a beautiful board so much. potential just barely messed up. okay. terrible terrible but hey three spins. deep we already got a 7x 529 in profit. could be a nice buy I don't want to jinx. it. okay that's a 6X there ain't bad ain't. bad oh my God that's really good. actually holy . holy. yes sir hey what is that. oh a thousand fifty three dollars we. have a 13x on the side as well now.

Stacking up the multis seven spins left. we get greens here I'm pretty sure nope. never mind. Forex okay we can get evolved here we. can get a little action oh my God. huh we got a huge multi well not 21x. pretty huge for me dude but we need. connections uh we're getting teased. right now we're getting the Altis man. you know what I mean. I don't think we can get crowns here. wait potential to get crowns. no way drop another . Chris man that would have been a juicer. oh my God the crowns would have been a. juicer. okay still really good though oh my God. great buy Fantastic Buy. 4.4k. now I'm like really really really scared. to do the 10K you know what I'm gonna. speedrun a 1200 buy I know dude just. you're delaying your listen 1200. bye. I just need one bad buy before I dropped. the 10K in I just feel like it's a.

Terrible idea after a nice juicy buy to. go and drop your max bet pretty much. like that's so stupid look this would. have been my 10K bet thank Jesus man's. just haunting you know laughing dropping. multis peasant you ain't getting. 3x lots of nice symbols but not enough. to connect this is a 1200 buy feels like. it's a 10 by holy . have a 5x a mass of 5x. the reeseman's left double multi not. working. maybe you get a little money back here. if you get a multidrop nope. dude okay I'm feeling like a genius for. not dropping the 10K there now it's time. we're switching over to the mega balance. 97 681 we started at a hundred thousand. if you haven't seen the first three. episodes check them out I'll link the. playlist in the description below man. it's a good one it's a good one there's. some good episodes at the start.

Hopefully we can continue the good. episodes into today's fourth episode man. I'm so scared dude I'm so scared you. know I need to take some water stalling. once again here we go ten thousand. dollar by you know the drill. let's do it man oh my god dude oh that's. a good sign that's a good sign dude four. scatters in a row that's a great sign. dude that's a great sign deep breaths. boys we're going in we're going in dude. oh my God multi off the ramp no didn't. hit didn't hit come on drop it no shot. come on oh God. ah this is so bad man where's my oh. where's my multis man. oh my God. okay finally we got a multi on the board. can I get another one. actions nice nice connections now drop. multis nice nice nice chalices in a. multibrow nice we get a multi 6X. beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful. yes oh my God oh my God oh my God guys.

Do you have any idea what's going on if. you have any idea holy . 29.9 K dude and we still have eight. spins left keep dropping the Maltese man. keep them coming keep them coming. no no connection there are you kidding. me come in Supply that's beautiful. beautiful any more connections no man. hourglasses would have been huge there. still 600 bucks though come on one more. connection man one more don't do me like. this we have a 25 ax man of 25x three. spins left two spins left come on please. connect connect yes yes another. connection. no no Frick okay dude. oh my God okay 1.4k final one please. final one please something no. holy boys look at the screen right. now and tell me that is not fat material. tell me say it to my face this is 100. fat material episode four dude let's go. man 20 000 in profit I can't believe it.

I can't believe it I can't believe it to. the potential on that to be even crazier. like it was there but I don't want to. reminisce on what could have happened. what if because it's gambling. dude if you think those thoughts they're. gonna clean you in no time we're gonna. end this video off with the Bitcoin. bounce two thousand dollar buy here we. go here we go I just I am so ecstatic. that this video went the way it did. nothing can bring me down. foreign. come on bro come on two thousand dollar. buy even though we just won a nice 20. G's. I still want to get a nice win here come. on. trying to make this Bitcoin balance last. all 10 episodes and I don't know if this. doesn't pay it might not be a potential. okay heart's connecting oh beautiful. beautiful nice apples bro no multis. though not really connecting.

Uh. it's decent it's decent we have five. spins left though ooh strawberries if. those are all in multis man Next Level. juice. oh my God I'm just oh I can't believe it. I can't believe it that was such a lit. bonus buy three spins left come on at. least get to 1K bro at least. there it is that's the 1K. oh that's bigger than I thought man. those hearts really paying 512 dollars. shh. final spin okay I'll take 128 any day of. stars oh the prop is secured. Sensational win dude 883 I gotta stop. this man 12 minutes of some of the most. fortunate gambling Lux I I really can't. believe it did well that's the end of. the video man look at the balance 120. 146 dollars I oh boys clap it up clap it. up clap it up again guys I'll link the. other three episodes in the description. below beautiful playlist going on check. them out if you have not already dude.

We're gonna run up a check imagine we. end this series at like 200 300 000 that. would be absolutely legendary that's. massive progress on the balance today. though 120k I can't believe it coach. juicy over on gamdom get access to some. of the highest rake back in the industry. and support me at the same time bro I. appreciate it love you guys I appreciate. the code users appreciate the. subscribers The likers the commenters. dude all of the Earth. appreciate y'all if you choose to check. out gamdom dude they got all the deposit. and withdrawal options cryptocurrency. Bank deposits gift cards and virtual. items including CS go and Team Fortress. 2 dude check it out I can't wait dude I. almost want to record episode 5 just. like right now not because I'm addicted. not not none of the episode five is. going to be amazing I love every single.

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