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Merry Christmas ho ho ho Merry prankmas. and welcome back to another episode of. prankmas 25 days 25 pranks now before we. start if you want to get the giveaway. which is 1,000 vbucks hit the like. button subscribe turn notification on. and comment below # prankmas sweet. Bonanza one of your big addictions we. know Elliot loves sweet bananza he loves. gambling quite frankly I love a Chey. gamble me and I thought it'd be a good. idea to get control of Ed sweet Banas. account and play hell with him now yes. it did cause him stress he did get angry. but however the outcome was what none of. us expected enjoy the video and remember. it could be worse you couldn't be alot. cuz Christmas came early sorry bro. welcome back to Sweet ban Saturdays. today we're going to try and make two. grand yesterday we made 15500 and the L.

Gamblers you guys are strong so I like. to start my day off with a $10 spin woo. let's see if we can. win oh we actually did win. $12. $6 $6 Hang on we're actually winning. here anyway we're going to go back down. to 75 cuz we can't afford $10 spins we. won $27 actually that is actually quite. decent right let's get this right down. 75 cents okay you'd be surprised how. much you can win on. these I love it oh we got some. lollies. yes 59 00 1500 1500 qu baby me and sweep. hands have a good. relationship come on. oh no unlucky how many lollies did you. win four four lollies we have four. lollies and we get 10 free. spins I could buy the tell tell tell. your family truth how how often how long. do you play this for every a day I don't. like to talk about how long how many. hours a day do you play this four four. oh four hours four Chey hours this man.

Is OBX come on come on baby apples come. on he's not you got you recording all of. these yeah come on I mean your. videographer me I got to record. everything bro you just single tap all. day yeah why you not put on auto because. the algorithm likes a finger if you know. what I mean no but listen listen there's. these big balloons that drop so the. fruit drops down and then these balls. come in and they have like time 10times. 20 time 25 * 50 * 100 and all it does is. yeah that's all it basically you have a. chance of win why are you so close to my. face I'm not I'm quite zoomed up so. anyway you can win up to 10 who whoa. who whoa It's oh. what did you expect what's going on. why am I doesn't make I have $200 there. you add it on that auto no my bed was. $50 what are you. doingit $90 is been glitchy come on. baby Christmas is coming up boys I can't.

Be spend all my money on. this oh is that good no we need four all. these I just explained to you just just. do a bonus round do a bonus round. because you're not doing anything you. ain't do all right to a bonus round. there. oh oh my God here we go get the bar get. R the bar get R the bar tap it tap it. here we go this is it. right come on then see these right yeah. if you get like look so it times is on. there but basically if you get like a. 10 and then you get 1,000 x. 50. 50. $718. oh. wait. no Way's Go. Go's look. at to the. police $400 baby I'll get you some. quickly I'll hold the iPad up hold the. iPad up get Qui camera wait wait wa to. go. big still wait in still just keep SM. come on baby keep. smiling. y just 20 seconds more maybe yeah. smile wow wow wow oh oh we're going. again no time 12 n $2 bro nothing too.

Bad wait come. on come on come. on can't always win so how much do you. bet now then oh oh like now I'm probably. going to cash out. soon. yes now ladies and gentlemen there you. go that's how it's done. right now you need to know when so when. the fun. stops stop yeah but it hasn't stopped. it's been fun you just won $400 right. listen Ben right okay in life this's. thing called greedy being. greedy and people out there that are. watching this video Don't let greed take. over your body cuz it's not a good trait. just one more one more everybody wants. one more I'm on I'm never on your G. videos come on one more for the boys I. want you do one more for the 18 fine. I'll do 18 for the L gamblers for the L. gamblers all just just make sure you. don't just make sure you don't lose your. money withdraw your money. now right Qui.

Ready. just is bored all right I don't. understand come on babying good shut up. just oh oh no it's a dead by how do you. know how do you know that how do you. know that um oh wait. wa how do you know uh I I don't it was a. guess come on yeah wow oh. wow come on this is why you got to stop. how would you still. go no boys it's quid come on $80 we. cover it back free Spin we covered it. $100 $100 SP $100 there we are done1 now. no kids don't do things like this. because it's silly if you do things like. this because you can get very addicted. to like this and it's not good. wait this game's glitched oh oh. right I just got to go lucky please. please please please come on get off me. this is full no oh I just needed two. more bananas how do you know ow oh oh. this is rubbish this game has done me no. this is not good enough down 13 just and.

Do the ma was he not good enough I had. $400 that's it gone $64 no way wow no. way how very upsetting well why didn't. you pull the $60 OD out what is the. point pull the $60 out you save it it's. good for food is pointless I mean it's. good food think about it no it's not no. but anyway sign off the video guys. honestly don't get stuck in that sort of. thing because it can what's it do it I. haven't even done anything it's playing. on its own no no no no no no no no. anyone looking at me in. cameras what oh great on your way this. is ridiculous I had a good I was having. a good day why is this happening I'm 95. oh God you're lying to. me hey it's not bad hey you want. something get that camera on my face. vlog's finished done vlog's. done how do you win $100 I have no. idea and what are we going to do. we're going to have to access it we're.

Going to have to get I've got the wallet. on the. he's got I don't want to like I don't. want to like upset how much did he start. with 200 200 so if we take 200 out I. think put 200 in push 200 bonus spin mhm. easy if he all we need is a pass if he. wins I'm going be. pissed we're doing it we're doing. it come on oh what's this no what shut. up. no 200 oh boys this could be a hell oh. my God still 200 why did you why did you. B so much shut you said you going on a. budget now you're. bet. $200. $183 oh my. God oh my God that's. $900 oh . all right come on look I W. M well guys that was it for the video. thank you so much for watching and. remember there's always ups and there's. always downs but. gilesy it's always up thank you for. watching I'm happy for you what's. wrong hey hey hey. hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey.

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