30.04.2024 SENSATIONAL Line Hit 🍭What a SUGAR RUSH! ⫸ Chumba Casino

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This is Sugar Rush on a chumba Casino. let's Jump On In under sweeps coins and. have some fun all right uh this one is a. very sweet game y'all and I hope you. enjoy it uh let's go let's go let's. really go all right how cute is this uh. I have 26 46. in sweeps coins. two six four six. and you can spin as little as 0.2 all. the way up to 500 sweeps coins that is. crazy. let's start with ten shall we oh Nelly. there's that scatter. all right so we gotta get that scatter. oh my that was a nice one holy mother. keep going. okay so lots of things happening here as. you can see. um things are moving up they're moving. down they're moving all around uh let me. move this over so you can get a better. look at everything um if you get a clump. of any five things together right uh. they disappear and more drops down so. after the first time if you look behind.

Here there's a there's a little wrapper. that's hidden. if that thing disappears again then it. becomes a 2X multiplier. and if you get rid of that area again it. becomes a 4X multipart and so on and so. on keeps getting bigger and then next. spin all starts brand new again. so spinning spin spin we need three. scatters for the bonus there's five in. the corner there's five in the middle. keep going. one more oh my gosh almost had that. bonus. red. we're down at 2626. come on where they all go. bring on my gummies. being rude y'all. oh my gosh okay rabbit fire maybe does. that help you. no. just spin normally there you go about. 50. ants oh that's a good one. and. we had some multipliers for the first. time or second time I guess there. there's a lot of orange ones. and purple but that's it. ah oh we got two x multiplier nice there.

Was two of them in oh keep going. ants. yes lots of multipliers going crazy here. oh we got the red ones that's a big. multiplier and 16 is on there shut the. front door. that was sexy. wow 248 that was pretty great. okay. wow I've never seen it up that high. actually that's my first time ever. seeing a 16x multiplier man that was. good. all right now the next goal is to get. that bonus okay. three scatters. there's more than five in the clump. doesn't count their diagonal has to be. above below left or right of them oh. there's a 2X multiplier and. give me some orange hearts. ah I was hoping to get rid of that. middle. part to get some more multipliers oh. well. that's exciting okay okay. great I hate I hate losing the. multipliers here's the greatest thing is. you actually don't lose the multipliers. in the bonus they stick around for the.

Entirety of the bonus. all right so we're up like 130. why. don't we try a little higher amount here. let's try 20. buy a little I mean a lot. oh. twice the spinning amount. come on now Sugar Rush. there's something. 30.. that's a q one. multipliers darn it. gotta get those scatters still they're. out there man. landed up. foreign. all right all right all right we're down. now. 20th spin has not been nice to us. shall we get that bonus oh here's gonna. be a big one right no it's only four. there's some hearts 4 30 it's a winner. nice keep going. yes keep going. ah. let's try some rapid fires. 15. that's about it I think. red. oh. come on you better do better nice ants. yes multiplier's coming out we got him. anymore. oh yeah keep going. oh wow we're still going baby we're. still going. we finally came to an end 193. . all right we're rolling down 20 now.

Well played. it's time for the scatter pay. come on bonus. I don't even know have you ever had two. yet. I feel like we just keep getting one. that was your time drop it in now come. on. all right. got some jelly beans. yes some stars and. got a little baby multiplier give me. another one of those pink things no. all right we're in for 200 rapid fire. again. yes oh look at the hearts now. good and. ah I thought we had that one. possibilities are great I love these. multipliers. or one. pitter patter. all right. now drop two scatters. 36 there's one there's two ah. in for 300. .. drop it in now come on jump a casino. 25. we're getting Hearts now that's a. lot of Hearts holy mothersized. ants darn it oh I didn't see that one. come on keep it going. and. yes. oh we got the orange ones now yes and. green and yes holy mother size.

Wow that was nice we almost had a 32x in there too beautiful we're down a few hundred an hour up over a thousand so good so good y'all not rude 1575. shut the front door we're now up oh up 1200 look at that ah 16x 32x bring it on baby that was so sexy yes yes yes amazing that wasn't the bonus but oh that was so close imagine if that was the bonus though oh my gosh again like if we could stop giving me two now if we get the multiplier up that high oh my goodness finally got something else not much though so exciting ah This song reminds me of like and 80s TV show you know right we're getting the red maybe in the red one no giving a lot back now Roady Tootie come on baby now if I went higher than 20 a spin it literally goes from 10 to 20 to 50.

That is a massive jump. I'll try a couple got it. I almost got our mount back. okay. that's it though right ah. man if we hit that bonus right now watch. out. okay are we getting yes we got the Reds. now. I don't see anything else coming though. yeah. I wasn't even a win Road. hmm oh boy we're giving it back we're. only up 500 now. come on give us one good solid hit on a. 50 spin. spinning through 50 sweeps going to spin. when you're playing with sweepstakes. what you win. four cash prizes one sweeps coin regimes. for one US dollar cash prize. we're giving it all back. foreign. do it. wow we're back at even. still looking for that one solid hit on. 50 though. come on just one. 25. ribs. man give us one. it only takes ah. only takes one sugar rush to win. oh no. that was not enough that was half of our. play amount there's nothing there.

We're in for 500 now just like that. oh Brian. I need some candy after this. did we get it we got it. and. ah still didn't get our 50 back. I don't know I'm like pretty stubborn. right now stubborn and determined. oh Nelly two more scatters. nothing else we didn't get her our flame. out back there either too. oh my Nelly. we are in for a thousand how does that. even happen. Greenheart greens yeah we got the green. stars good and. that's it. I know I should stop I know. we gotta win. oh we're still winning. oh. oh ants give me a red one right on top. no. 287 okay. we'll slip some you know but we're. getting purples now. another green. no. okay we're getting the pinks now good. drop down some hearts. yes got the hearts. and we might be done yeah turn 140. though okay. we're starting to come back here. can we get that bonus before time is up.

Blah blah blah blah blah. okay. give me another pink thing ah. rude. in for Eleven Hundred. every time it gives us two it never. drops anything you know we could have. had a shot there. and I'm still spinning and I should be. done spinning there's a hundred thank. you. I'm still trying oh that was pretty 112.. okay. give me your heart yeah. oh we're getting the greens now maybe. one more yes that's good and. come on baby. I hate giving up multipliers but 520. y'all back up to 2000 that's a pretty. good comeback now we're only down 650.. let's give it three backup spins. not bad. two more. last spin on a sugar rush. chumba Casino there you go guys make. sure you come back and join us for more. hit that subscribe and like button and. I'll see you for some more fun videos. from Champa casino and lucky land slots. see you next time.

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