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So weird i don't know all right i like. those odds. wow it actually does i swear it doesn't. look ten g's man. we gotta pick a different song. hello digitals. ten thousand dollar banana buy i haven't. won on this slot since vietnam here we. go. greg you're here no we don't stand. i got a hosanna's heads. alice win the multi here malty. malty. apples. oh my god bro. hey there. like what the man wow. bones buys are not the move either. apparently what the . wow. wow. every time first one hits second one. this if the first one hits the second. going back over to sweet sweet too. expect you to knock 10k here we go come. on but here we are. 29 on bonus buy baby. hello. brother what the man. wow this is literally three literally. nonpaying bonuses in a row. what the am i watching here. what. oh my god bro. like holy hell wow seriously.

Where is ashton kutcher. dude are we getting punked here. we are bro oh man. what in the . they they figured out your uh. secret formula. bang no they didn't pull them again. let's go. hey. whoa yeah a little bit okay all right. sweet bonanza can't do it again here we. go. maybe it's because we have to stand up. yes just stand the up let's change. the vibe here bro stand the up. lean forward. lean forward. hello. that bonus is on tonight. oh my god better i've never seen this. dude what did we do. what's going on no. better we're talking about a 15k bye. what brother i gotta go seriously man. what am i. what is going on here this is . four buys in a row four four in a row. brother what is going on seriously man. they got slots turned off i gotta call. somebody bro. i'm awesome seriously they have slots. turned off tonight or something bro are.

They in like collect mode. holy [ __ ] good god. literally we got to get some kind of. return there bro. there's no way right. come on now. either the dice one time then do the. banana no we're not doing the dice at 8k. we can't. okay guys we have bought four bonuses. here it is can we get something. he's already filling it up he knows he's. gone he knows he's already gone. let his reach okay yeah hey does anybody. here care though about a retrigger no. no no i personally don't give a flying. seriously bro okay hold on. right hey hey peaches. oh no bro you might hear a carrot at. home oh bro oh my god bruh. you put it too much. right okay it's okay we got seven spins. all right oh yeah it can happen one. hundred hundred to drop. if you could hello. oh my god bro. tigers hello. oh my god bro not one what the is. going on here.

Dude that dice is. come on. he's as up. oh my god. okay i need to make a phone call bro. oh hi bro. hey howie how you doing brother. hey bro we're just wondering um by. chance do you have the slots turned off. a thumbs up. yeah is he in the middle of the store. right now. he's got some white claws on his head. okay buddy listen i need you to get on. the control panel and press on on sweet. bonanza please okay. all right oh it's of course okay you're. live bro all right. like turn the slot on. god damn it i'm going back to it. bro i don't give a . he's got to pay at some point no. am i wrong for thinking that. we bought this seven times. oh my god. bro. i'm starting to throw the dew strategy. out the window bro seriously what the. am i watching 90 bucks brother what. am i watching. seriously. turn the slots on howie. you dick holy [ __ ] brother.

Seriously i've got one word for you. brother rick fix the [ __ ]. give up son oh. how's that look howie. look good. all right guys here we go bonus buy. number eight we are yet to get even half. our money back not even a quarter bro. not even a quarter bro our highest payer. has been fifteen hundred dollars i . you not i'm gonna try nine thousand. dollar bonus just for the lock just try. changing up the number here. come on. we need something here. something's nerfed here. already that's our highest bonus yet. all right. let me rise josh let me off yeah. josh wouldn't let me out bro. they're just humping the air no bro i. was trying to get up. okay get back down for good luck. grapes. dammit spins we got a lot of spins here. fellas we got a lot here. please please. let's go baby come on five more let's go. dude fellas.

Jesus dude. hey we'll take that. you're giving me. never give up when it comes to gambling. hey steve that one's for you big guy. let's go 50k found us we gotta shut the. balance and look what i got my back. pocket hey look what i got you still got. the tent. all right. it smells like garbage yeah. i believe my mom. you're getting five can still pay i've. had to pay before believe it or not now. five eight. sometimes. oh. a little bit nicer. that's we need more than that. all right okay that's great damn i'm. thinking blackjack honestly i've been. running balances up dude yeah yeah yeah. man but the problem is if we lose oh i. don't want to chase we got to get out if. you lose don't give me that look. either guys. all right here we go come on ten ten. thousand dollar win come on hold on. build it hold the balance build the.

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