30.04.2024 🍬 🍭 SUGAR RUSH 1000 IS FINALLY HERE 🎰 ‼️

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Hello everyone and welcome to my channel. my name is slop Queen here on YouTube. and Facebook and also playing from my. house on uh it's a website. that you can play along with me you can. go on for free set up your own. account use my link that's. listed down in the comments uh and the. video description below that way you'll. end up on my chance team. uh and then you could play your choice. either gold coins or sweeps coins and we. could be playing the same games I do do. giveaways uh when I go live three times. a week on chance and you can also win. some sweep coins in there but for. today the highly. anticipated Sugar Rush. 1,000 has been released let me tell you. guys what this game. is so hard but the potential is so. amazing so let's pop over to Sugar. Rush just in case you haven't played it.

Before cuz you have to be able to see. the difference because the difference in. buying a bonus is so. humongous okay get my volume up. come on Sugar Rush all right so here's. the regular sugar. rush um we have. 8,310 sweeps coins in our wallet today. we had a really really good winning live. stream so we're going to buy a bonus. for uh 5.40 sweeps but you have to buy. in for 100x so we're going to buy in for. 500. 140 sweeps. coins so in the regular sugar rush at. this one notice that the boards. blank you don't start out with any. multipliers you have to win them and. earn. them which we're not doing a very good. job of of of winning and. earning any. multipliers sure rush really I about. $500. 540 sweeps bonus is what you're doing to. me okay we have our first couple. multipliers. okay okay. well yeah that that was not good that.

Was Sugar Rush we bought that bonus for. over 500 sweeps coins and and we won. seven we won seven okay let's lower our. bet we're going to go down to. three oh two 2.80 sweeps we're going to. buy a bonus for 280. sweeps so hopefully that we have a. little something something to compare. with sugar rush 1000 here come on Sugar. Rush. so yes you guys can create your own. account using my. link and like I said they do an hourly. giveaway with gold coins you can go on. every hour collect your gold coins and. play right along the exact same games. with me at the same time on a live. stream with the gold coins or you can. also purchase gold coins and sweep coin. packages as. well okay we're getting some multipliers. on the. board I had to say it didn't. I oh my. goodness oh my goodness no way okay well. Sugar Rush 1000 has came along and.

Ruined our regular sugar rush. too that's hurt my heart. okay sugar rush. 1000 it's. here the problem with it well there's a. lot of difficulties with it it's a Duffy. it's highly volatile but so for example. right here on a. 1.60 sweeps spin. if they just charged you 100x like the. other bio bonuses then it would be 160. to play to buy this bonus on the super. is. 800 sweeps. coins for equivalent to a 1.60 cuz the. look at the potential here we. go Sugar Rush 1,000. the entire board starts with. multipliers oh. no and the other Sugar Rush the highest. multiplier was. 238 I think something like that there is. over a th000 times multiplier potential. in this one I've seen the 500 whatever. the 500 one is I've seen that one a. couple of times on my. board see the. potential our multipliers are. growing but we don't have any.

Spends oh no come. on. come on keep it going tumble tumble. tumble tumble tumble. tumble oh my. gosh we bought in for 800 sweeps coins. and we got back. 184 so the way I play Sugar Rush 1,000. is on a pretty low bet so let's do that. and that makes it a 300 sweep coin Buy. in let's see how that. does I want you guys to be able to see. like the. multiplier action gets. crazy come on let's get those mules up. right away right away right away. all right okay. okay no no dead. spins oh that was a good. one okay red Bears come on now oh we. have some nice 32 x's on there. let's hit. him come on left left left retrigger oh. my. goodness this game is pretty hard to. retrigger on. that's hot come on don't waste. them come on come on find these biggies. right. here no you're wasted them don't oh my. gosh oh for the love don't do it.

Come. on guys it's finding a way to. miss all of our big. multipliers we're down okay we we have. four. spins okay so what did that put up there. we're at a 128 and 2 64s right here come. on over here okay. okay oh my goodness left left. left come on left left. left a. spin that's. good oh you. guys with the retrigger and. everything we squeaked out we squeaked. out a 12 sweeps profit cuz we bought. that for. 300 so I've been asking everybody in my. uh live streams that I do I do usually. do live streams from home on chance on. Tuesday Thursday and. Saturday what their thoughts are so far. on Sugar Rush. 1000 and the general consensus is it's. tough but the potential is out of this. world. oh oh okay okay okay let's keep it going. oh that was a good one that's a good. one that's a good one. too okay guys this one's looking pretty.

Good. oh. gosh woo we have a 256 on the. board oh my gosh a bunch of 128 a 512 we. have a 512 multili on the board. 512 oh that was. huge oh my goodness two three five oh my. God. go there it is there's the th I have the. Thousand on the board oh nice I have. three of them how many three of them. right all side by. side yeah look come. here hurry hurry right here one two oh I. have two of them look at that yeah oh. there's another. one that's crazy that's. crazy look at this bonus on a $300 Buy. in they oh oh my gosh did you see. him that awesome look at that bonus yeah. on 60. cents. holy to the moly now maybe I have to. change my mind about sugar rush. 1000 well I wanted you guys to see the. potential and you definitely seen both. sides of the Sugar Rush 1000 so let me. know in the comments below are you going. to play it what can you believe the.

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