30.04.2024 Top 10 Wins on Crazy Time

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Last time it would have been 2008 oh. please fourth time in a row good side. three oh 200. right side is up right side is up come. on come on come on. come on. this game is a sick game come on this. game is a sick game. we played this for two hours we played. it for two hours yeah. we had two hundreds. and 100.. wow what a comeback wow yeah we were. almost broke. i almost here down the green screen. chanting. oh my god ladies and gentlemen. 26 questions. oh my god right. oh my god. oh. for single me. i'm talking to that dracula hi dave for. crazy time. it's coming round. it's coming round go on. day [ __ ] day [ __ ] dare you. come on 50 quid 5x. first time for the crazy time middle for. diddle. first time on the crazy time that's a. guaranteed. uh well 15x times five 75x 50 quid. that right am i reading writes this like. guaranteed like three grand or something.

I'm all right it's the 50 x is the min. times 5 50 75 x. times 50 grids 3.75. men get the in there. right now and i'm excited. i always said middle i've got to just. stick with it i want more than 75 though. there's look at the amount on some of. those. come on 75 is still awesome. that's a double. 150x times. that's 7.5 guaranteed get the in. there bronzers all round. people 500 xl. 250x get the in there. just the that finally i hit one. there we go there's the 15 g's that. they're my rigs 15 g's. come on get the in there. for something i am. you're welcome. values have been multiplied by seven so. we're looking at a potential. biggest possible multiplier here. actually we're going to find out a. moment first you choose your flappers. 700x here somewhere that's gonna be. available. let's see if we can make that puppy rip.

Here we go oh would you look at that there's a 175 exponents for the blue three things congratulations fifth takes crazy and then double the triple yeah then we're gonna destroy the whole evolution game 15 20 25 200. 200x now or a double good luck but this is oh look at this this is like silver oh left left okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay stop there oh okay right right right right right right right right right right left left left left left left left left left right left right that is mistaken oh my young i my crazed time is the funniest game on earth oh holy [ __ ] holy what the [ __ ] right so it's one in 54 spins to get crazy time and then you get shafted with a 10x that's not what is that oh oh please somehow find a 10.

Me oh go go go go go go go go go go. faster faster faster. oh my god okay it's happening everybody. stay calm yeah yeah yeah. finally get in hello. you must do. come on come on a thousand a thousand. a thousand come on. it's not so good. ladies and gentlemen. another one more baby. what do you think about it one more. double double double. let's grab that shiny plug there you go. i'm going to drop it from the top. multiplies on the bottom let's see what. multipliers we will have come on go. high go high baby show us what you got. two three five higher than that come on. don't be shot don't be shy. 20 100 200 double five times all of that. tommy thanks for top slot let's go. there you go five hundred's on there 100. there's a lot of cool stuff. in there if we go to the double baby if. we go to the double it's going to be.

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