30.04.2024 YOU CAN KILL OTHER TITANS AS A TITAN!? | Attack on Titan / A.O.T. Wings of Freedom #5

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Oh what I was save just what. exactly happened through this a giant. tight what yo can we talk about this. like goodlooking is that I don't think. that's sensor that's not a real boy. call mine I can't get flack for that boy. oh as you do I don't know anymore. attacking other Titans I doubt it's just. a regular abnormal just what is this. Titan it looks stronger than other times. yeah no definitely it works. out I'm Brad I need to come down now. that anyway just get out of here. this girl all the time looks like. it's heading somewhere. what's brew oh . Oh what is going on I come over here. buddy. oh wait I don't have I don't have I. don't have anything oh I don't have. anything I have nothing I have a lot of. nothing. let's not do that coconut gives you more. Tosta kriya. oh no no no no no no no no no no no oh.

Not gonna be dying like this not today. saying Georgie no Justin because go get. it. I got me again. damn he is no yeah he's not a dumb Titan. but you go look at holy operate. card oh oh holy he sends him flying. hole what are you doing oh he's dead. wait where we heading this is hair more. like black and not blond. am I the only one going crazy about that. I don't know and I'm not even trying to. find inaccuracies you know just just. stand out maybe I'm just being that. piece of I'm sorry. oh yeah if we gotta beat that one up for. no reason. oh wait no yo squad no give me stop. no screws go don't you the hole in you. don't owe me nothin updater boca no best. again are you gonna split it dude that'd. be great no that's lady you gave me all. of a holy thanks alright that's. kind of cool of you the materia house.

Sucks you got a tent oh wait are you. still around bro oh there you are look. at you oh look at all these alright. let's take care of what's first more. times have appear no problem rolypoly. on let's still got him. until counts doesn't matter. was it great was SoCal. area a small face go to the trusted. district base with a mysterious sign. alright I don't mind that but I can help. um I'm really good at killing these guys. okay. I don't know you don't sit away Don all. right sure you know check me out ghosty. no joke and this guy over here check. this guy never sent a chance and this is. a over here that Dennis day call. him going up your dad you were playing. on it see like it's crazy. guys please right so let's cover some. ground. turbo time boys it's turbo Jill Jill. poor Jill she'll watch you drown oh yeah.

Let's clean up a little brother these. guys you're not welcome. you're not welcome. you're not walk on. I don't know who gave me the idea that. you were welcome here not looking. welcome let's go help our friend and. then we'll be back to tell more people. they're there now look another one. Oh final subjugation target appear this. is a bad guy well he looks he looks like. Connie but creepy oh my god it is Connie. they started really creepy actually. there really grows actually that's. up. gotcha for weeds my listless there you. go Josh that's the ticket. I love this that's awesome haha that is. so awesome. okay what's going on here did I not help. by doing the don't take it back. take it some of it yeah small it's a. small tiein short. I read a what the . I want to help her she's really pretty. it sounds really I guess basic to say.

Bye I think this this characters really. what it's called crystal I find her. really pretty a real pretty girl is mine. animators you know Kayla all right. and I love Kayla ah that was quick . wait there's more more people who is. this lady she looks fancy yeah no I. already already help you with that Chris. already helped you. oh it was over here that's one oh it's. over this out. do. I'm doing the mission so quick that the. game is like trying to keep up with me. is like alright you have to do this say. Chris oh wait a second you already did. it what the they stopped ha ha ha I. told you guys on Twitter I wasn't joking. like sod you holy he got here get. up. Oh subjugation Oh breathing hey. little one. wait this morning wait what the . going on wait what this again we're not. saying we're not save where did I jump.

The gun in it I just didn't load. restitute copy oh no bonus tonight. no way oh we know that's a different one. Sasha there you go Sasha's here no. that's not Sasha this this is your. mirror I'll call her like the gods I'm. sorry if it's not the right term but um. here is yeah. how was quick I do both of them the room. that was a double whopper classic get it. do what do why is there so many . little side missions the . since when since where there's so many. little side missions is actually kind of. crazy like I don't need these people to. my knowledge I really don't need to I. just just side missions you can get like. more points and whatnot heyno which is. fine. well like this is really early in the. game so huh interesting I guess. expeditions and and I guess original. stories you bury a little bit good to. know there you go guys.

Something that dad didn't like leisure. missions are not that long at least not. for me at times I was a hitch doing it. ah she wasn't gonna tell us and she shot. me Tommy was successfully 84 gilma Tommy. hey how many people are here why are you. down there out of here you know. yeah I pretending yeah let's drop up. with a Quebec a day ah easier. ha ha ha ha. oh he did who are you hard. how did their home been hidin it stop. you creepers Oh Clarissa poor for lunch. what a quitter. show me a move my god oh yeah. and so I beg you cuff up you stop the. car me nah okay yo Co course my gonna. cost ya I come on what if a Senora tell. me or Smith I all right so my go to Rio. de Cuba. what is that you got a cigarette dude. this point when I first watched it was. like crazy. that times about to go berserk again Oh. Roy Roy early in the comment section.

Rargh what can I actually use them can I. actually use the tiein can that be a. cool thing oh not today my dude. ah it's like being able to wrestle but. without worrying about breaking. somebody's bone like you want to break. the bones which is kind of cool like. it's no rules rustling how bad us is. that do we get to place him please get. the out of here. get dumb Punk hi here you gotta be. kidding me no no oh my god. oh my god no no this game is gonna be. too good to me game game. you're being too good you you mean too. cold ahead I don't think so. holy let's see the controls of this. yo this has its own mechanism of . what the I look at all these rage. mode ah 25,000 launcher unni's. look at them Wow Wow what give me your. face I don't give a [ __ ] what you. have to say you don't pay the bills of. this house evade plus X while evading to.

Perform a charge attack I he touched me. what dude I am so strong you don't even. wanna mess with me I'm crazy. whoa and my feet but that craziness with. you what's wrong with you guys do you. not know no they it's late let's go. ha ha ha oh dude oh three for the price. of one. it's a whopper baby Junior let's go why. am I talking too much bumper you gotta. do like breaking down much her firm sell. out to Burger King sly not even bro. don't even super punch that's it. that didn't only hurt they don't hear. that that was more people what oh no I'm. no I'm all right so if I press Start. I know I'm spamming. so this is I'm not being classy guys I'm. sorry. I'll the rage attack do easy right young. guys a little paw get the out of. here yes you come to the big boy she. she's gonna get here like a big boy. final subjugation target appeared I'm.

Gonna whoop the out of all these. before I hit this guy oh look at this. weirdo keep your mouth to yourself. nasty ah where's the other ones before I. head via you're gonna get the charges. tech no you're gonna get Diane dr. Laham. cuz I listening oh boy the sound of. continuing so just pay for somebody pick. somebody pay for the house you I just. use I don't like little little one you. see this guy dad. guess who's next well you're gonna get. rage kick just come on out of here. I didn't I I punch them what oh yeah. that's interesting. oh hello there brother you see my hand. ah get your doing oh this is a ha ha ha. ha. what I break everybody else's how it's. like Fox's house construction yo I. remember what Billy bullying me you. Billy. Oh everybody's taking a quick name on. occasion Onizuka Medicare. Kono's it's about taking again Joe the.

Historic caca Nina oh c'mon I know. kondeh son octo Medusa oh no kyojin. jamika tanana Ricardo cigarette Ostara. dou Rho UT georeo gonna booking you guys. don't wanna like bigger than a camel's. home click the knuckle it just helped us. G you be ignorant he's upset. he's me and see you didn't believe in. him like like Tinkerbell he died Gina's. your goddamn fault you killed us. Hunnicutt it's time you did huh no you. kill him you didn't believe oh oh that. what is is an so using his like me. uniform get the out of here. yes. he was also to anybody confused he lost. his hand when the one tying a Tom it did. they didn't show it in the game because. you know censorship and whatnot but but. when Eric got swallow he actually lost. his hand too so that's why I Armand was. like wait what the how did you get. your hand back you freak I love.

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