Lesson One:
How To Use Behavioral Psychology To
Create Your Foundation For Success!
I just want you to know how rare it is that you are here. You
are one of the “special few”… and for that, I appreciate you.
Have you ever thought to yourself:
“They Laughed When I Told Them I
Was A Network Marketer”
Let me ask you a serious question…
Do you sometimes feel like a fraud?
Knowing you have a great opportunity for people but can’t prove it because you aren’t yet successful yourself?
Is it killing you inside always having to worry about money, maxing out your credit cards, and constantly feeling stressed out and anxious?
Do you secretly envy the overflowing confidence and success other network marketing leaders seem to have… while they are busy living the life you know you should be living too?
Have you ever dreamed of going on exotic vacations around the world, finally telling your boss where to go, and actually be an inspiration to people instead of always beating yourself up?
If so…
Then I hope you read every word of this letter because the secret contained inside could change your life forever.
My name is Matt Morris, and I know network marketing.
I wrote the #1 best-selling book “The Unemployed Millionaire”, and in the last 20 years I have built sales teams of over 1,000,000 people in over 100 countries.
I have generated 100’s of millions of dollars throughout my organizations and have personally earned millions of dollars.
Unfortunately life wasn’t always this good…
“Young And Broke”
I remember being 20 years old in college, and my professor talking about how to get all these great jobs, advanced degrees, and how to climb to the “top of the corporate ladder”.
That never really resonated with me.
I never liked the idea of having to fight traffic to and from work everyday and waste my life away to make someone else rich… maybe you can relate.
So I dropped all my classes and decided to take a leap, and jump into Network Marketing full time.
I knew nothing about success, nothing about business… but I was very motivated!
You can guess what happened next…
By the time I was 21 years old, I was:
-living out of my little red beat up Honda Civic
-$30,000 in debt

If I was lucky, I would get to sleep in a sleazy motel one or two nights a week… but most nights I just slept in my car… scared and alone.
I was even bathing in nasty gas station bathrooms just to keep clean, and trust me, that’s not easy to do!
QUICK TIP: If you ever have to live out of your car, make sure you park under a tree so you don’t wake up cooking in the sun like a thanksgiving turkey.
In all seriousness, it was really bad.
I was depressed… in fact:
I Hated My Life
I’ll never forget what happened next.
I had a sales appointment in a small town on the other side of Lousiana in the morning (I was selling above ground swimming pools).
It was late at night and I was in desperate need of a shower.
So I pull into this tiny town, drive around a little bit, and quickly realize there is no gas station and no motel!
It’s also raining cats and dogs.
I eventually find a church parking lot to call home for the night (always made me feel safer), turned off the car and settled in to get some sleep.
But I couldn’t sleep.
Why you ask?
I could smell myself.
Then I got a brilliant idea!
I took off my clothes and showered in the rain.
It took a while, but I eventually got clean.

As I lay there in my car, I think to myself “how did things get so bad for me… why did I let myself get so low?” And that’s when the gravity of the situation hit me like a ton of bricks.
I had hit my personal rock bottom. Which was a good thing… because it served as
My Overdue Wake-up Call
A friend had given me a cassette tape, and on that tape was Tony Robbins. I listened to it that night… differently than I had previously.
This time the message stuck.
I was hungry for change, and committed to making a real change in my life.
I had enough.
On that old tape, Tony revealed two secrets he used to go from living in a 400 square foot bachelor pad, washing his dishes in the bathtub, 30 pounds overweight, to making over a million dollars in a year within 12 months.
Would you like to know what those two secrets were? You would? That’s great, because I am not going to keep them from you. These two secrets are what built the early stages of my success.
Secret #1: Immerse yourself in personal development.
Read as many books as you can, study as many programs and courses as you possibly can. Fully immerse yourself in the teachings of people who have done what you want to do and have become the person you want to become.
Secret #2: Model the greats
If you want to achieve success, find someone else who has done it, figure out how they did it, do the same thing and you’ll get the same result.
…And that’s exactly what I did.
I would immerse myself 8 hours per day or more in personal development. Mostly in bookstores because I couldn’t afford to actually buy the books… so I just took them out of the store inside my head.
I Started Reinventing Myself
I went from being $30,000 in debt, to becoming a full-time network marketer, earning $2,000 a week and FINALLY being able to live life on MY terms!
Six months later, I was earning $10,000 a week with a team of several thousand people.
Not only was I making what seemed like a small fortune, I was also taking vacations every month or two, LOVING my life, and ended up meeting the girl of my dreams who is now my wife and the mother of our three beautiful children.
I am now an eight-time best-selling author, including my #1 best-seller, The Unemployed Millionaire: Escape the Rat Race, Fire Your Boss and Live Life on YOUR Terms!
I have been interviewed nationally and internationally on Television and Radio and have been seen on major media networks such as ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox News and CNN.
I’m also the founder of Success You Publishing, a breakthrough publishing company that has helped over 100 clients become best-selling authors.
After more than 20 years in network marketing, building teams of over 1,000,000 people, generating hundreds of millions of dollars in revenues within my organizations and being blessed to earn millions of dollars, I get approached every year with ambitious network marketers from hundreds of different companies asking me to personally mentor them.
I tell you my story to help you understand one simple thing:
No matter who you are.
No matter where you are at.
No matter what you are going through.
You can do this.
Do you ever:
-Wish you didn’t have to read the restaurant menu and buy based on price?
-Wish you had more money in the bank than you spend every month?
-Wish you could grow your network marketing business faster?
-Sometimes wonder if you are even cut out for network marketing?
I understand!
You are here because you are struggling.

- You are frustrated because you should be growing much faster than you are.
- You have another full time job and have a hard time balancing your normal life with your network marketing business.
- If you have children, you may even feel guilt from taking time away from the kids to grow the business.
- Sure, maybe you’ve enrolled a few people, but most of them end up quitting. The few that stick around don’t really do much.
- You believe in your company’s products and services but just haven’t been able to make it work.
- You’ve heard the stories of others overcoming adversity so you know it is possible, but struggle with self doubt to whether or not you are really cut out for this.
- Sometimes you may even think you should just be content with a regular job, or even look at a different kind of business altogether…. But deep down you know the lifestyle you really want can only come from being a top earner in network marketing.
- It doesn’t help that you feel uneasy around people and are scared to speak in public which only adds to the slight feeling of not being cut out for this.
- The leaders and trainers make it sound so easy don’t they? But it’s not easy for you and you have serious doubts you will ever get to their level.
- I know your some of your friends and family may be supportive but they are starting to lose their patience and even hinting that maybe you should stop wasting your time.
- You may even be wondering if I am just another person trying to take your money giving BS techniques that don’t work.
- …Or fluff and motivation rather than something tangible, thinking “even if it is good, can I actually implement? I’ve been let down many times before.”
I get you.
If you’re struggling in network marketing with things like:
-Not being able to generate leads and find enough people to talk to
-Not being able to get people enrolled when you do present your opportunity
-If you can’t seem to get your team to do anything
-You sometimes feel paralysed with fear
-Struggling with a lack of confidence
I want to give you some assurance and let you know, I can help you.
But here’s the challenge…
I’m not just one of the most popular trainers in network marketing. I also have an organization that’s grown to over 1 million customers around the world in just over 6 years.
So I just flat out don’t have the time to personally work with everyone.
And it’s at the point where I’m having to turn people down every single day.
So rather than continue to feel guilty about saying no, I decided to put together what I believe is the next best thing.
If you are serious about achieving mastery in network marketing and achieving the lifestyle that you know is possible, then I’m going to invite you to take part in a private video coaching program I’ve put together called:
Millionaire School
This is something I’ve NEVER done before and to be real open, it may not be right for you…
Because this is an intense 7-week video coaching program designed ONLY for people who are completely committed to become a million dollar producer in network marketing.
If your goal is ONLY to make a few hundred or a few thousand dollars a month in your network marketing business, this program is not right for you.
Millionaire School is a no-holds-barred intensive that I’ve put together to give you everything I’ve painstakingly learned over the past 20 years to become a multi-millionaire in network marketing after being an incredible failure for my first 5 years in this profession.
I can tell you without hesitation, there is NOTHING like this in the marketplace.
If you decide Millionaire School is right for you and you are excited about discovering the secrets to massive success in network marketing, this will likely be the single biggest catalyst for you to become the leader you’ve always wanted to be.
You will have the confidence and the certainty of KNOWING that you can be dropped in any city in the world where your network marketing company does business, take away everything you have, and give you nothing but the skills and abilities you’re going to learn in Millionaire School and you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt, you’ll be earning a six-figure income within 12 months.
See, once I developed that level of confidence and skill, I became an unstoppable force in network marketing and I’ve been able to build massive teams every single time without fail over the last 15 years.
-Having the overflowing confidence other leaders in your company have
–Sticking it to the people who laugh at you trying to “get rich”
-Speaking in front of people without getting nervous
–Going on exotic vacations all the time
-Having the specific training to help you finally start creating real results
–Being able to help people instead of feeling like a fraud because you can’t even help yourself
-Being respected, admired, and listened to… making your parents proud of you
If that’s what you desire for yourself, then I will tell you with total certainty that you will love Millionaire School.
Here’s How The Program Works
The training is contained on a private, member-only, password-protected website.
You can watch the training videos online, you can download them to your computer, or you can download it to your mobile device to learn on the go.
The training is also delivered in an mp3 format so you can listen and learn while you’re at the gym, in your car, or if you’re walking around the town.
If you prefer to read, you’ll get full transcripts you can print out and you’ll also have action guides that will cement the learning into your mind for long-term retention.
Not only that, as long as you are a Millionaire School student, anything I ever add to the program, and no matter how much I increase the price… you’ll get for free as a Millionaire school graduate.

If you’re wondering if you’ll have enough time to fully participate in Millionaire School and get your money’s worth, I want you to understand that when you register for Millionaire School, you’ll have LIFETIME ACCESS.
You can even download the entire program whenever you want.
So if something unexpected comes up and it sets you back a week, or a month, or even a year, or if you only have an hour a week to work with and you need to go at your own pace, you are totally taken care of.
Here’s What You’ll Learn With Millionaire School
• The One and Only True Formula for Network Marketing Success (It’s simple if you know the recipe… I give you that recipe when you order today)
• The 4 Great Enemies of Network Marketing (HINT, they are not the two things you think they are…)
• The 5 Biggest Mistakes that will Take You Out of The Game (Make any of these mistakes and you can kiss your dreams of freedom away… manage to avoid them, and you might just have a shot at “the good life”. It is critical you know what these are so you can avoid them at all costs)
• I break the formula right down to simple “by the numbers” to show you exactly what you need to do to get to a full time income
• How to generate leads online and the conversion percentages you should expect based on the type of lead generated so you can systematically and consistently enroll new members and get closer to being a full time business owner.
• Discover the The law of leadership and how to grow yourself to become a powerful leader worthy of others following you
• Overcoming the #1 fear in the world
• How to make yourself Rejection-proof. I’ll teach you exactly how I became immune to criticism and the fear that comes from caring too much what other people think of you.
• Proven “non-cheesy”scripts to go from “Hi” to getting their phone number in the cold market. (I promise you will go crazy for these non-salesy, smooth, and “cool” way to contact people.
• How to properly answer the question: “what is it”
• The 6 tiers of publicity and exposure and how to keep leveling up, becoming more popular, and seen a leader in the eyes of your team and even strangers
• How to get 95% success rate inviting high caliber entrepreneurs and professionals to join your team
• The “4 Step Invite”
• The “2 Step Text Invite”
• The 3 words to NEVER use that immediately cause your prospects to pre-judge your opportunity
• The #1 most powerful word in the inviting process that almost no one in network marketing uses.
• How do more than triple your show up ration using a simple 6 word question.
• How to take advantage of “The Unfair Advantage” in the presentation and closing process
• The top 3 questions prospects have in their mind that you MUST answer to have a high closing rate
• The #1 subconscious fear that stops most people from getting started with you… that they’ll almost never tell you
• How to overcome the top 3 objections before they ever bring them up
• How to find your prospects hot buttons and why it’s important to identify this BEFORE you present.
• Word for word script on how to psychologically pre-frame and setup your presentation for the highest closing ratio
• The Psychological Triggers that touch move and inspire your prospects to take action
• How to stop being afraid of being a closer and learn to love it
• Why and exactly how to close early and often – hint: this is one of the #1 most misunderstood elements that cause people to have terrible closing ratios
• The importance of your “Post Meeting Game” and what to say “word-for-word” to position yourself as a leader worthy of being followed
• How to close with authority
• A 3 step framework for overcoming almost every objection
• 9 ways to overcome the “I Don’t have the money” objection
• 8 ways to overcome the “I don’t have the time” objection
• 10 ways to overcome the “I have to think it over” objection
• 7 ways to overcome the “I have to talk to my spouse” objection
• 5 ways to overcome the “I’m not a salesperson” objection
• 8 ways to overcome the “I’ve failed in network marketing before” objection
• 4 ways to overcome the “pyramid” objection
• 5 ways to overcome the “I don’t like making money off other people objection”
• 5 ways to overcome the“I want to do my research” objection
• The 2 Step Close
• The 3 Step Close
• How to control the vibe and take the lead in the closing process
• Exact verbiage to say after presentation is over and the psychology behind it
• The law of consistency and commitment and how to program yourself to make it impossible to fail
• How to never be perceived as a beggar
• The law of numbers. Understand this and you can pinpoint your success with deadly accuracy using this law
• The #1 reason your new members don’t take action and exactly what to say to help them overcome what’s holding themselves back
• The word for word script to use to get your new reps into action immediately
• The 2 Step Process for next day duplication
• How to get commitment from a new distributor
• The psychology of goal setting for the new person
• The #1 key to creating team Momentum
• What causes people to make the decision to go “all in” with your company
• How to create a culture of personal development throughout your organization and why that is the key to your long term success
• 10 Laws of leadership
• How and why to put on non-revenue generating “Culture” events for your organization
What Others Are Saying About Matt Morris
“I must admit I was a little skeptical, but wow, I appreciated that webinar so much. Thank you Matt, I’ve just recently started networking but I see me joining this life change now is to my advantage . I purchased the millionaire school and I’m already mind blown. I can’t wait to finish this intense course and be the entrepreneur I was always meant to be. God bless you and May he continually guide and protect you for helping so many people achieve their dreams.”
-Richard Ince, Millionaire School Student
“Every now and then, I have an opportunity to meet people who are incredibly passionate about what they do, and am not surprised to find that they have thought outside of the box in order to achieve their success. Matt Morris is one of those people who radiates excitement about his passion. And a brief encounter with him would cause even the most unintuitive individual to know that they are with someone who can lead them on a path to personal success. In The Unemployed Millionaire, you’ll be privileged to spend more than just a few moments with Matt. I’m absolutely certain that you’ll be inspired to pursue your dreams.”
—Joel Comm, New York Times bestselling author of Twitter Power
“The first time I sat down to meet with Matt Morris, I saw a man with an incredible vision. Partnering with Matt has been the single greatest decision of my business career. In the past two and a half years I’ve earned over $1,000,000 and travelled all over the world, and I’m earning a solid $50,000 per month in residual income that comes in whether I work or not.”
—Johnny Wimbrey, Professional speaker, best-selling author and host of The Johnny Show
“By following Matt Morris’s advice, I’ve been consistently earning well over $15,000 per month in residual income for the past two years working from home on the Internet. Matt over delivers to his customers and business partners in every way.”
—Stone Evans, Self-Employed Internet Marketer
“I was a machinist for almost 30 years and had failed miserably in my efforts to become an entrepreneur on the side. Since learning the techniques Matt taught me, I’ve been able to earn a residual income from home allowing us to live a millionaire’s lifestyle… in the last six months alone, we’ve vacationed to London, Spain, Hawaii, Malta, France, and Italy. The best part about our life is that I’ve been able to be a stay-at-home dad for the past seven years!”
—Ned & Cheryl Rae, Entrepreneur
“I’ve had the privilege of knowing and learning from Matt Morris for the past several years. The business and success knowledge he shares with me is always valuable and continually opens my eyes to new ways of thinking. Just one idea I acted on has turned into more than $40,000 (and growing) of passive income.”
—Kevin Wilke, Cofounder, Nitro Marketing
“Hey Matt,
I have just listened to your 7 Secrets to 7 Figures Audio right now. Originally I thought that the most inspiring person for me was Dr Wayne Dyer (Manifest your Destiny) I was wrong and WOW!! This has really hit home for me.
You are in America (maybe not right now I don’t know, haha) and I am over in South Africa. We have never met or even spoken to each other and yet you have managed to inspire me in every level that will change my life which would also change the lives of the people around me and the people around them, to me that is truly amazing!!
You are a great man, and I really admire what you have done and who you are. I aspire to be like you. You have amazing inner strength and disciplne.”
—Dan Ekerold, South Africa
“Hi Matt!!
Thank you for your willingness to share your success secrets. I am more than $30,000 in debt as you mentioned in your audio – but now that I know the 7 secrets, I believe my life has come to a turning point. Stay blessed!”
—Isack Motta, Network Marketer, Arusha, Tanzania
“Some of the things I love and admire about Matt are his drive, his tenacity, and also his integrity. He’s a young man with a mission to make a difference in the lives of people on the planet. There is a saying, ‘judge a man not by what he does, but what he does that he does not have to do.’ He’s a young man that I’m just excited about knowing and working with.”
—Les Brown, Professional speaker, best-selling author and television personality
“In today’s world, Matt Morris is indeed a rare find. A treasure. I’m ecstatic to have built a friendship and business partnership over the past five years. Because of Matt’s mentoring and friendship I have advanced not only professionally but also personally. In fact, I have earned in excess of $250,000 just through my affiliation with Matt in the past three-and-a-half years. A BIG THANK YOU! Matt has mastered the art of ‘putting people first.”’
—Michael T. Glaspie, “Mike G”
“Not long after 09/11/01, I was 36 and found myself at an all time low in every area of my life. I had lost my home . . . the company I was working for collapsed, leaving me without a career . . . and
worst of all, my two young girls had just moved east to New Jersey with my ex-wife. I felt like a complete failure and for the first time in my life I got a glimpse of understanding what the handful of people in my life that had committed suicide must have felt like. There was one person above all others who helped me turn my life around. After being mentored by Matt Morris, everything started to change. Within just a few months, I was able to give up the job I had taken and have been increasing my wealth ever since. Because of Matt’s teachings, I’ve been earning a six-figure residual income for the past four years . . . I own five acres in Colorado . . . I’m living in a wonderful condo in Philadelphia with a fabulous view . . . and most importantly, I now have all the time I want to spend with my two daughters”
—Chris Kinney, Entrepreneur
“At the end of 2006 my life had hit rock bottom. My last business venture had failed unexpectedly and I had no income to support my family. I found Matt Morris and his success system in January of 2007 and my life is now at an all-time high. I am writing this testimonial from my new dream home at the Michelangelo
Towers, Sandton, Johannesburg, the most prestigious high-rise condo in South Africa. I went from zero income in January 2007 to earning a six-figure income in just 18 months thanks to Matt Morris! If anyone gets their hands on Matt’s business strategies they have a winning formula when they implement what they
learn. I am living proof that his strategies work!”
—SoojayDevraj, Entrepreneur, South Africa
“Hey Matt,
I wanted to say thanks for the reoccurring emails over the last few months. I have not necessarily utilized them all, but they have 100% kept me focused and on track.
I just wanted to shoot you a quick email and throw something your way. I know you occasionally send out emails each month with up and coming websites dealing with Top Network Marketing Companies. Well I just figured I would tell you about what I have going on…I started out with my partner in November reading your Unemployed Millionaire book. I had 0 interest in internet marketing, 0 skill in online business and absolutely no web design knowledge. I had just been accepted to medical school for the Fall of 2010 and everything was just peachy. Well, after I read your book I was pretty inspired. I am the type of person who is always up for a challenge, especially when it involves something I know very little about. My partner (a day trader) and I started brainstorming and to make a long story short, here we are 3 months later with our own company. We launched a program/system that is (at this point in time) directed towards teaching stock traders how to identify the most undervalued stocks that offer the highest potential and truly develop a solid understanding of the business aspect of investing. So here are the facts: In three months we created a business, developed a brand, put together a business model, set up a company from scratch, developed a product, and made sales. We took our Alexa Traffic Rank from over 10 million in December to under 445,000 today. We have over 245 inlinks and eagerly await to be ranked on top search engines. The best part is we did this all without outsourcing, without help from others. Good ole fashion reading and inspiration. Now for us, that is something to be tremendously proud of. If we have even half that much progress in the next 3 months, there is no telling where we will be. So I just wanted to thank you for that initial inspiration.”
—Eric Gelman