you have just taken a huge step towards your success!
I can't wait to get started on your book but there is some homework you need to do first!
***(These documents are in .docx format and you must have a writing app on your cell phone in order to use them on a mobile device)***

Deadline Agreement
This document will inform you of all the information we are going to need from you, and how soon we will need it! Be sure to look over it so we can keep this process as smooth and simple for everyone as possible, and get your book published ASAP!

Chapter Writing Worksheet
This is just a simple worksheet that will help spark some good ideas for writing your chapter! Even if you are a strong writer, I recommend you take a look at it, it might just help give you an extra edge!

Rick Frishman Interview
This is the added bonus we promised you! There is a ton of gold in this podcast interview with Rick, so be sure to listen to the whole thing! Maybe even several times over!
If you are having any trouble downloading these files, just right click the link and "save as".