3 Signs of Feeling Burned Out – Motivational Monday
Burnout is described as “in a state of physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress”. We’ve all been there at one point or another, where you start to feel drained and dissatisfied with your daily existence. There’s so much going on, so many projects and tasks that need to be completed, so much progress you could be making, and there are issues at home… Just the perfect storm of stressful topics to make you feel small and inadequate. If this is something you’ve experienced or you feel like right now, my friend, you may be experiencing burnout.
I wanted to make a quick list of signs you should be looking for – indicators that you need to take action!
1 • Simple Tasks Become a Grind
There is an email that needs to be sent, a form to be filled out, or a meeting to attend that becomes MONUMENTAL. It’s a struggle to type out a 300 letter email, or you can’t put information together for the meeting.
SOLUTION: Meet with your peers and prioritize. This is an amazing way to communicate that you may be overloaded.
2 • Exhausted and Distracted
When the workday ends, and home life begins, you may be so tired or worn out that you don’t enjoy your free time. Instead of spending enjoying quality time with family or even doing chores, it’s easier to lie around the house and think “What’s the point?”
SOLUTION: Unplug. When your day ends, your working mind ends. Instead of sitting on the couch dreading the sunrise, wake up early and enjoy it. My point is, get some good sleep, relax, and get out of the misery. It can be difficult, but like all things, the first steps are the worst. After that, it only gets better.
3 • Negative Self-Worth
You may have a meeting or a task coming up in the next few hours that you do not feel prepared for. In some cases, you may not even feel qualified to sit with your peers. Quality work begins to give way to feelings of self-doubt.
SOLUTION: Take a step back and acknowledge this.
FACT: You made it to your station because of the great things you have produced. You are in these meetings, you have better responsibilities because you have proven to be a go-to person and you can continue to do so.
Don’t let burnout make you dread another beautiful day on this planet. Take steps now to address your discontent.
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post.
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Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author