I struggled for 5 years when I first started network marketing and these are the 4 network marketing skills you need to master and apply if you want to be successful in this business.
Network Marketing Skills You Need To Master
Let’s talk about network marketing and the skills that it takes to really make it and become successful.
If you have an idea in your mind that you suck as I did, I will tell you that there are not many people that suck more than I did.
I want to give you a four-step process to making it regardless of how much you suck.
I’m going to give you kind of the framework for what I went through over my five years of figuring it out which has ultimately led to almost two decades now of financial freedom.
I struggled when I first got involved in network marketing and if you’re anything like me, you know what I’m talking about.
It’s a foreign concept. It’s hard.
You may think, “I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. I’m afraid of rejection. I’m afraid of what people are going to think. It’s a new world for me.”
You’re excited about the opportunity. You’re pumped up. You want to make it work but don’t know how to get through the initial process.
I know because that’s exactly what I went through for a long period of time so we’re going to talk about some of the things that got me out of it.
The Struggles of When I First Got Involved in Network Marketing
I got started in network marketing 18 years ago.
The person who got me involved introduced me to their up line and in their compensation plan, you needed to enroll six people. And that led to six who get four, who get two, and the guy said, “It’s only six. It’s easy. You can do this.”
When he told me that I could do it, that was more belief than I had, but I just decided that if he says it’s easy, I’ll jump in.
I’ve never told anyone it’s easy. Don’t ever do that. That will definitely come back to bite you.
When I got in, I made absolutely no money.
I’m incredibly thankful for the process because I believe in the beginning, it’s way more important to learn than earn.
It allowed me to establish a foundation of success. It was really a foundation of personal development.
I got exposed to personal development books. I had never read a personal development book before this.
My sponsor gave me the book Think and Grow Rich, and it blew my mind when I read it. I started dreaming and having hope for the future.
They say when there’s hope for the future, there’s power in the present. It gave me power but nonetheless, after two years of going to events and reading books, I had sponsored three people. Two of which I paid for to get in.
One was my mom. I never even told her she was in.
Two Years and No Success
The one person who I did enroll, quit right after and after two years, there was one person in my group. It was me. That was it. And it didn’t get much better from there.
I joined another company and I failed miserably. I joined another company and I failed miserably, and I joined another, and another, and another.
There was so much frustration.
I don’t know if you’ve ever had social anxiety but I had massive social anxiety talking to people.
I wondered to myself, “What the hell is wrong with me? Why can’t I make this work?”
I would go to events and see other people who got in after me passing me up and I felt left behind in a massive way.
I’d see people who were no smarter than me making it and I would beat myself up.
I would tell myself that I wasn’t old enough or smart enough, wasn’t good enough with people, wasn’t a good public speaker. I was never going to make this work.
Thankfully, I just hung around long enough.
Hang Around Long Enough
There’s one key. Simply hanging around long enough until you can get the belief because what happens is we all come into this profession at a different level.
On a leadership scale, you may be coming in at a three, or a four, or five, but that’s not enough of a level of leadership to go out and really make a lot of money. You need to develop yourself into a six, a seven, and an eight if you want to make some serious income.
Realize that if you want to build a really tall building, in many cases, you’re going to have to dig a really deep foundation.
Thankfully, I had some foundational years that laid a solid foundation which ultimately has led to my financial freedom.
I’ve been able to travel to 80 countries around the world. It has been a crazy, amazing life.
I personally believe that it’s possible for just about anyone.
Almost anyone can make it work.
I can’t think of many situations where you can’t because I’ve seen so many people from so many different walks of life who have way more excuses than the people who failed but they made it anyway.
I’ve seen 18-year-olds who hit the top rank in the company at 21.
One of my buddies is 24 and a multimillionaire. He came in with no experience or credibility but he made it work.
Why did he make it work? He had a massive desire. He had a massive determination and was willing to go do the work.
What I want to get across to you as much as anything else is if I can do it and if everyone else can do it, you can do it.
Network Marketing Skills You Need to Master:
#1 – Commit to the Process
That leads me to the first networking skill you need to master which is you’ve got to commit to the process. You’ve got to commit to making it work.
Nothing works until you make the decision to say, “I am going to make this work. There’s no way I am going to fail.”
You may fail as far as getting rejected. That’s going to happen. You may have people quit on you. That’s going to happen. It doesn’t matter how good you are, you’re going to have people quit on you.
You’re going to have people that tell you that you’re crazy. People will laugh at you and ridicule you.
You’re going to have to be okay with a lack of social acceptance from ignorant people for a period of time.
When it flips, it flips.
Those people are going to be like, “Oh my gosh. I always knew you could do it.”
In some cases, they’re going to say you got lucky, the timing was right for you, and it wasn’t for them.
People are going to make up all kinds of bullshit as to why they can’t do it. That’s okay. That’s part of the game.
As you become a professional, one of the things that you’re going to have to remember is it’s all part of the game.
Crazy Things Happen
There is going to be some crazy ass things that happen.
What happens is when crazy things happen, and we get frustrated about it, and we feel like it shouldn’t be happening, and shaming other people, that’s where you go off onto the shoulder of frustration and the ditch of discouragement.
I don’t care how crazy it gets. I know it’s all part of the game. Remember that.
I was talking to someone this morning at the coffee shop and we got to talking about network marketing, and he was saying he was involved in this company and a bunch of people left to go to this other company. That’s also just part of the game.
Every year or two, another company will pop up and people are going to be like, “Oh man.” A bright shiny object. “The grass is greener on the other side.”
Listen, I’ve been doing this for 24 years of my life.
Every year or two that’s just what happens. You’re going to have people who were going to leave anyway, but if you think it’s not part of the game, it pulls you off course.
Network Marketing Skills You Need to Master:
#2 – Decide You’re Going to Make it
You’ve got to be willing to stay the course.
The second network marketing skill you need to master is making the decision that you are going to make it. That’s when everything came together for me.
When I decided that network marketing was going to be my profession, I kept my job to pay my bills long enough to get full time, but my job was my plan B, not my plan A. Network marketing was my plan A.
I was able to work myself into a full-time income. Obviously, the sky’s the limit after that.
You’ve got to commit to the process. Until you commit, until you make the decision, nothing is going to work in a big way.
If you look at any multimillion dollar earner in network marketing, it all started with a decision.
Until you make the decision, you are never going to succeed at a high level.
Network Marketing Skills You Need to Master:
#3 – Master Learning New Skills
The third network marketing skill you need to master is learning new skills.
You need to look at this as a doctor.
Doctors go to medical school. Lawyers go to law school. If I were to tell you, “I’m going to be a doctor but I’m not going to go to medical school,” what would you think about me?
If I said I was going to be a lawyer and I’m going to skip law school, what would you think about me?
You’d think I was crazy, stupid, or both.
I would be crazy and stupid if I thought I could be either of those without going to school because that just doesn’t happen.
Find a Mentor
I’m proud of you for watching my Facebook lives and reading my blogs. I’m proud of you for watching my YouTube videos.
There are other mentors out there, too. You can watch their stuff.
My suggestion to you is to pick one person who you resonate with and learn everything you can from them.
When I met my mentor, he didn’t have an online presence, but I decided that he was a guy that I resonated with, someone I respected. I knew he had the goods and produced the results.
I learned every single thing I could from him.
If you look at my presentations today, they’re almost a copy of his. They’re very, very simple.
He taught me things like be entertaining first and informative second. So, my presentations are very entertaining. I joke around a lot. I’m not overly serious in my presentation. I am at times, but in general, I’m having way more fun.
Why? Because that’s what I was taught. If you entertain people, you get into their heart and bypass the skepticism.
Pick someone and learn everything.
I’ve got about 400 videos on YouTube so my coaching to you is to watch them all if you resonate with me.
Learn everything I have.
There’s a reason why I’ve been able to build an organization that’s grown to over a million customers. It has little to do with me. It has everything to do with the steps that I’m talking about.
Network Marketing Skills You Need to Master:
#4 – Apply the Skills
You’ve got to go out and apply the skills because you’ll never get mastery until you apply.
It’s kind of like trying to learn how to ride a bike but you try to do so through a book. You can’t learn how to ride a bike only through a book.
Maybe you can watch a YouTube video and it’ll give you some suggestions but you have to actually practice. You’ve got to put it in action.
It’s the same if you want to learn how to play the guitar.
It would be stupid for someone to think they were going to be an amazing guitar player because they watched 100 YouTube videos.
No one in their right fucking mind would expect you to be an amazing guitar player after watching a bunch of videos.
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Hop over to LeadwithMatt.com if you want some advanced training on leadership where I teach you some strategies on not only becoming a powerful leader but attracting powerful leaders.
If you’d like to learn how to avoid dropping rank in network marketing, check out this blog post.
God bless.
Go make life an adventure.
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post on How to Avoid Dropping Rank in Network Marketing.
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Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire