The Right Mindset
is the Key to Your
Network Marketing Success
Starting your own business can be a daunting task, even if you’re plugging into an amazing network marketing business with a system for duplication. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen and been a part of companies in the past that didn’t have a proven system to help each distributor achieve success in mlm but today’s blog isn’t about picking the right network marketing business (I may cover that in a later one. I like that idea. Yeah, done. Plan on seeing that one soon.). It’s about succeeding in the one you did pick!
There’s only one way to success in mlm, and it’s through the 6 inches between your ears. You’ve probably heard me say that network marketing is 90% mental and 10% skills. In fact, I think it’s 100% mental. If you don’t have the right mindset, you won’t acquire the right skills to get it done. If you want success in mlm so you can have the life you deserve, focus on these 6 keys to a rockstar mindset!
6 Keys to a ROCKSTAR Mindset for YOUR Network Marketing Success
1. Crush Your Negative Beliefs
If you want success in mlm (which you obviously do or you wouldn’t be reading this blog right now), you must crush those negative thoughts that are holding you back. I know, easier said than done. Honestly, this one does take time and commitment but I’ve provided you the blueprint in Why You Should Lie to Your Subconscious Mind. I’ve even listed out my top self help books to get rid of that negative self talk. Implement these strategies to check the box here on #1.
2. Read Your Daily Affirmations Aloud EVERY Day
Yep! I’m bringing up daily affirmations AGAIN! I can’t begin to tell you how much this practice has changed the direction of my life. Over the years, I’ve improved and tweaked my process based on hundreds of hours of training. I share those daily affirmation secrets in the hope that you will give this a shot for not only your network marketing business but for you personally in all areas of your life! I won’t lie… the first time someone told me to look in the mirror and say, “It feels great to be financially free at the age of 29.”, I thought they were crazy. Heck! I’ll be called crazy all day and all the way to the bank. This stuff works!
3. Know You Will Adapt to Challenges
Those with success in mlm approach uncertainty with confidence. When faced with an unfamiliar challenge, they think of similar situations they’ve conquered before or skill sets that might come in handy. By focusing on what you do know and the skills you’ve acquired along the way, your likelihood of success improves dramatically.
I believe in being a lifelong student. That’s one of the main reasons I do these blogs. I want you to have the knowledge to adapt to any situation life throws your way. Each time you do, your confidence grows, as does your knowledge. Keep reading, keep experiencing… keep growing. You network marketing success will naturally follow.
4. Own Your Individuality
Every great leader in mlm stands on the shoulders of giants, but successful leaders champion their individuality. In other words, they don’t try to become “the next Dexter Yager“. To be successful in mlm, LEARN from the people you admire but don’t try to BE them. If I tried to show up and present myself as an organizer versus a visionary just because I valued that trait in some of my mentors, it would be seen as false . . . And I wouldn’t be able to deliver.
Own your individual strengths and foster them. Trust me! This is how you stand out in your industry and get that much closer to network marketing success.
5. Be Grateful
To be great, you must first be grateful!
I’d argue that gratitude is one of the most powerful tools for fulfillment in life. When you’re grateful for all of the great people and experiences in your life, the challenges you face seem way less important and are easy to tackle.
A great way to remain grateful on a daily basis is by keeping a gratitude journal. I love this. Any time I’m feeling down and out or overwhelmed, I look at my journal and remember my blessings! Immediately, I feel better, more confident and ready to move forward!
6. Associate with the Right People
The influence people have over our own personal energy is amazing. Les Brown once said, “If you’re hanging out with 9 broke people, guess who’s the 10th!” His point is valid. Another mentor of mine used to always say that you are the company you keep. These sayings have been around forever for a reason . . . they’re true! Think about your latest phone conversation with a friend, did you feel better or worse after the conversation? Either way, your mood was affected! And it as affected by the friend’s energy.
When you have people around you who life you up, believe in you and want you to succeed in mlm and life, there’s no room for doubts and even when they do creep up, you quickly dismiss them.
So now it’s up to you. I’ve given you some keys to a rockstar mindset. It’s up to you to open the door! Let’s do this!
» Work with Matt in WorldVentures «