An affirmation to your mission in life
Affirmation: The Secrets to the Universe – MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY
Affirmation is the “…action or process of affirming something or being affirmed”, or “emotional support or encouragement”.
When you decide to care what other people think about you, you take a very powerful right to self-support away from yourself! And you give it to someone else! Keeping these tools close to heart and readily available is immensely important. Learning to use affirmations in a positive, progressive manner is one of life’s great secrets. How many stories have you come across where the hero of the story is an underdog. The hero is struggling every single day just to exist, let alone move forward. One day, as if by magic, the hero is skyrocketed into success. They finally find a breakthrough that let’s them unleash their full potential.
They filled their hardship with affirmation. When they are denied an opportunity to succeed, they affirm their position by learning more. If they learn a little bit more, maybe they’ll get the next one.
“I know I’m smart. I know I’m the best network marketer in the world. I didn’t get that last prospect, but I’ll get the next one.”
“No one invested in my product this time, but next time I’ll prove I’m worthy.”
Affirm your position in life and make it happen. Your Why is bigger than anyone’s No.
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post.
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Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author