Here’s a question — how do you change your approach for someone who is just an acquaintance?
If it’s someone that you’re good friends with, then you can call them and say, “Hey, what are you doing right now? I’m coming over,” or “let’s meet for coffee.” You’re not gonna have to explain a whole lot there as far as attraction marketing for acquaintances goes.
If someone is just an acquaintance that might be a little bit different. For that instance it might just be, “Hey, I’ve got an idea I want to run by you, when can we have coffee?” Or you can say, “Hey, coffee this week?”
If you are acquaintances and if you kind of know each other, then they likely know there’s a reason what you want to meet. If it feels appropriate to just say, “coffee this week?” Then go ahead and do that.
If you feel like you need to soften a little bit my key is this–if they’re an acquaintance, if they’re good friend, whoever they are if you try to do a presentation over the phone and explain how your product or service works, then they’re less likely to enroll.
Because that’s you being a salesperson. If you’re a salesperson on the phone, then they think they’re gonna have to sell it over the phone too.
The key is to set an appointment. It could be long-distance. It could be over the phone or Skype–something like that. Ideally, if they’re in your local area, you meet face-to-face.
I’ve been there so many times… when I use attraction marketing for acquaintances, then I’ll call and say:
“Hey Jerome, it’s Matt. We met the other day we met a week ago/two weeks ago at Chipotle. We were in line together and we talked about our kids and baseball. So listen this is crazy shot in the dark because I don’t really know you that well, but you strike me as a really sharp guy. If you’re open to the idea of earning some additional income I’ve got an idea that i’d love to run by you. I think it might prove to be fruitful for you.”
If he’s like, “what is it?” I’m not going to get into a presentation over the phone. I say I’m a partner in a marketing company in the nutrition space, in the Wellness space, in the anti-aging space (in the–whatever it may be).
Basically, it’d be impossible to try and explain over the phone, but if you’re open to sit down for 20 minutes for coffee I’d love to see if there’s any synergy between us working together.
You’re kind of checking interest in that case. If they say “No…” Great! That means they’re not open, so go talk to someone else! Don’t worry about converting everyone. You don’t want to convert everyone!
You’re looking for people who are looking for your products or services or your opportunity. You’re looking for hungry motivated people. Bottom Line: Don’t worry about trying to sell, convince, and get everyone! That’s the nature of attraction marketing with acquaintances. No one is going to get everyone, there is no perfect invite. The key is invite more and more people.