Truth/Enemy #2 – Attrition in Network Marketing
The 4 Truths or “Enemies: of Network Marketing: (NOTE: When I say enemies, I’m not referring to things you want to stay away from at all. In fact, these truths only become enemies because people TRY to avoid them instead of embracing them)
1. Dealing With Rejection in Network Marketing
2. Attrition
The first truth/enemy of network marketing = Dealing With Rejection in Network Marketing (Rejection is the #1 fear in the world) If you haven’t seen that video, make sure you watch it here:
Video 1: Dealing With Rejection in Network Marketing
Truth/Enemy #2 Attrition in Network Marketing
“You don’t need everyone, you just need the ones who stay!”
I want to start this post off with that phrase because that’s where the power in this message lives.
Today’s video is about attrition in network marketing and how, if you embrace it it can become a source of power but if you resist it it can and usually does become an enemy of success.
Let’s just lay the truth out , attrition in network marketing IS going to happen. In fact, it’s part of the process of success in network marketing.
Not everyone can or even should do network marketing. The world needs everyone to operate. We need farmers, construction workers, teachers, doctors, technology professionals, etc.
And even though I believe it’s the best financial vehicle on the planet, it’s not for everyone. Some people have immense love for their profession or business or job and it has nothing to do with network marketing.
Attrition in network marketing is like a filtering system. People join, check it out, get a feel for it, and either take the bull by the horns and run with it or quit for as many reason as you can count. Some because they’re unrealistic dreamers, others because it’s just not their thing and they’d rather be doing something different.
Some even know that they may very well be sacrificing a live of freedom and passive wealth but still quit.
And when you’re new to the industry it can be very confusing, incredibly frustrating, and almost deflating to the point you start to get pissed off at people for quitting.
But that’s the most dangerous thing you can do for your success. You have to learn to embrace attrition in network marketing by understanding you don’t need everyone to create massive success, you only need the ones who stay.
I’m not 100% sure if these numbers are accurate but I love to recall the Amway story when I talk about or think about attrition in network marketing.
Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel, co-founders of Amway, enrolled something like 500 people and only 495 stayed (Don’t’ quote me on those numbers).
That means that they dealt with some serious attrition in network marketing and that only about 5 people created the $10 Billion dollar empire that is Amway!
I know it can be really rough and frustrating, especially when you are first starting out and don’t have a ton of people on your team yet but you MUST remember, you don’t need everyone, you only need the ones who stay!
Embrace attrition in network marketing as a filter that leaves only the best stuff behind and it will become an asset instead of an enemy.
Make Life An Adventure!