You’re Just A _________?
Hey everyone and welcome to the Unemployed Millionaire Show! Today I’m going to share with you a pet peeve of mine. This is one I get quite often actually. When I record these videos I get a lot of comments and messages, and I always get the ones that say, “Matt, thank you so much for helping us little people!” Or, “Thank you for helping me even though I’m just an average person.”
Now, here’s why this is such a pet peeve. Nobody should ever look at themselves as a “little person.” Nobody should think that they are just an average person.
You want to stay an average or a little person.
If that’s what you want, then by all means go ahead and keep referring to yourself as an average person.
However, if you wanna be great you better refer to yourself as already GREAT!
Every single million dollar earner in network marketing started out NOT earning millions of dollars! We started out without a huge organization. We had to build it, we had to grow it, and we had to grow ourselves. We had to step into our leadership and become a leader.
The same is true for you!
Te reason why we turned into top earners and leaders in our profession is because we never referred to ourselves as “little people.” If we slipped up and did think that way, we quickly broke that habit. Simply put, if we ever wanted to be great we had to already BE great with our self-talk and actions.
When I started working with my mentor about 15 years ago I was completely in awe. He was SO good in every facet. When he was speaking on stage, the people would hang on every word he said. When he got up and trained he would just drop golden nugget after golden nugget! Emotionally, he would move people when he spoke. He closed like no-one I’ve ever seen before. He was just SO good.
Because of how incredible he was, I put him on a pedestal I put him on a pedestal.
He told me this quote one day. I don’t know if he told me this because he said it to everyone, or if he told be because he knew I needed it. And I definitely needed it!c
It comes from a book called The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz. If you haven’t bought the book, BUY IT! Read it. Enjoy it.
Here’s the quote:
“It is well to respect the leader. Learn from him. Observe him. Study him. But don’t worship him. Believe you can surpass. Believe you can go beyond. Those who harbor the second-best attitude are invariably second-best doers.”
You can’t put other people up on a pedestal. Yes, you can admire them and learn from them.
My mentor told me that he wanted me to learn everything he knows. Then He told me to go to other leaders and learn everything THEY know. So that one day, I could be better than all of them.
Mentally, that was a little hard to comprehend. But I understood that if my mentor was telling me that was the attitude I needed to have, then I better start pretending like that’s my attitude. I have to do my best so that becomes my attitude.
I finally stopped putting people on a pedestal. I realized that if I do what they’ve done, then I can get what they’ve gotten. If I speak as much as them, then maybe I can be as good as them one day. This is the lesson. Don’t refer to yourself as a little person. Don’t allow other people to refer to themselves as little people.
You need to be very mindful of the words that come out of your mouth because you have to realize something — everything you say about yourself makes it more true. Brian Tracey said, “never say anything about yourself that you don’t want to become true.”
Now why did he say that? Because everything you say about yourself makes it more true.
Every time you say, “I’m average.” Every time you say, “I’m a little person.” Guess what you become more of?
You guessed it. Little and average.
I know what you really want. You want to be great, so don’t sabotage yourself! What you focus on expands, so you have to focus on you being GREAT!
If you’ll stick with it, and keep watching these videos. If you’ll keep learning from other mentors. There’s no reason why you can’t be better than all of us.
Hope you appreciated this message! If you feel like it can be of value to some others, share it around. Love to hear you comments below!
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Go make life an adventure!
– Matt