Be Patient with Your Results in Network Marketing
One of the biggest blessings that I have had is my first five years in business, and during this time, I was a massive failure. I struggled mightily.
I don’t know if you can relate to this, but during that journey, it was incredibly frustrating.
It was beyond frustrating because a number of things were happening.
Number one, I was paralyzed with activity.
I couldn’t seem to get myself to go take action because I didn’t have the confidence inside to move me forward, and the little actions that I did take were not very fruitful.
I did not experience a lot of results and I beat myself up in a big way because of it.
There were so many times I felt like hiding, curling up in the fetal position.
Especially as a man wanting to produce, having the desire to produce, yet not being able to, was incredibly frustrating.
Thankfully, I had enough foresight to go seek out mentors, get educated, and learn things, and as I learned and my expertise increased, my confidence increased, that increased my actions.
I had this philosophy that what you invest in your mind will fill up your wallet. Someone told me that a long time ago and I said, you know what? That makes sense.
I am going to be a success regardless of my current results. I’m going to make it happen.
And if I happen to go in debt, that’s okay because I know I’m going to come out the other side.
I’m going to tell you my suggestion on what you should do with your results and your activity.
Be Patient.
I believe that you need to be patient with your results.
What happens is if you’re not patient with your results, you end up sabotaging yourself.
Sometimes you can’t control the results you’re experiencing.
It’s kind of like going to the gym.
I went to the gym today, and I know by me going to the gym today, I’m not going to have a big transformation in my body, but I also know that as I go every single day, over the course of the last few years, I stay in great shape and never get overweight.
I have transformed my body in a big way. Why? Because I was patient with my results. I realized it was going to take some consistent effort over time.
There’s no overnight formula.
I’ve not seen anyone in the entrepreneurial world that I know personally go from nothing to millionaire in a day or nothing to millionaire in a week or in a month. It just doesn’t happen.
Be patient with your results because your results are not something you can control in the beginning.
If you’re an impatient person like me, it can be hard to do.
Be Impatient With Your Activity
Here’s where you can be impatient.
Be very impatient with your activity, the activity you can control.
If you are impatient with your activity and control it, over the course of time, you’ll eventually get to where you change your results.
You’ll get good enough to where you can control your results because what happens is as you develop mastery in your field, have been doing it long enough, and learn to say the right thing to the right person at the right time, you’ll understand the nuances of leadership development.
I know that I can create momentum in an organization. Why? Because I’ve been doing it long enough.
I was patient with my results for long enough to get mastery.
Then I got mastery, the results started to happen, and then I could actually control my results, but you’ve got to go through that learning curve in the beginning.
For example, if you’re overweight, you know you can go workout every single day, but what happens is you go to the gym a couple of times, and you don’t see the transformation, and your subconscious lies to you and says, “Oh, it doesn’t work anyway.” You make excuses. You lie to yourself.
“I’m just big boned.”
There’s no such thing as big boned. You make up lies like, “It’s genetic.” It’s not genetic.
It’s the fact that you don’t take consistent action long enough, and you don’t stop shoving crap food in your face.
If you do those things, you won’t lose weight, but when you start taking the right actions, you’ve got to be patient long enough to go get the results by being impatient with your activity.
Stop Lying to Yourself
The lies that we tell ourselves in network marketing or in business is that “I’m not cut out for it.”
That’s a lie that you use to hold yourself back.
That’s a lie that you tell yourself so you don’t have to step out of your comfort zone, so you can stay lazy, so you can keep watching TV, or numbing yourself out, scrolling through Facebook all day long for two hours a day, and looking at other people’s lives versus taking action yourself.
Realize that you are lying when that starts to happen.
How do I know this is true? Because it’s exactly what I told myself for a long period of time.
I told myself that I’m wasn’t good enough, old enough, or smart enough. That I wasn’t a good public speaker and was a bad communicator.
All of those things that I told myself were a lie. None of that was true.
I was not too young because there’s other people who are young who’ve succeeded in a big way.
There’s other people who are bad communicators who figured it out and they succeeded in a big way as well.
Eliminate Excuses and Be Patient with Your Results
Be patient with your results. Be impatient with your activity. And that my friends, will lead you to a life that is pretty remarkable.
If you just stick it out long enough, for instance in network marketing, being able to have a residual income that comes in whether you work or not, being able to not have to fight traffic to and from work every day, to be able to not have to wake up to a blaring alarm clock every day, to be able to do something that you are passionate about, something that fulfills you, it’s totally worth it.
Being able to do something that allows you to make an impact in the lives of others instead of just collecting a paycheck.
You Are Worth Way More
When you get that paycheck, you’ve got to look at that and seriously ask yourself, “Is that all I’m worth?”
I had about twenty-four different jobs and there were so many times I looked at what I was earning and I had to ask myself, “Is that really all I’m worth?” I know I’ve got to be worth more than this.
My friend, you are worth way more than what you’re being paid in a job.
There is no limit to the amount of income that you can earn if you’re willing to go get mastery in your field.
Go become an expert in your field. Be an authority in your field. Develop the leadership skills that are necessary to influence other people. And when you get that, it’s the ticket.
You can literally write your own future, travel all around the world, and be a blessing in other people’s lives.
You can have amazing cars, amazing homes, and take amazing vacations. All of that is possible but you’ve got to be willing to stick it out long enough. The results will kick in.
If you feel like this can add some value to some others, feel free to hit the share button. Let me know if you do in the comments so I can give you a shout out.
If you want some advanced training, hop over to I’ll show you some strategies that I’ve used over the last twenty-four years that have allowed me to build an organization that’s grown to over a million customers and create an incredible level of time and money freedom.
Take care.
If you’d like to learn about how to get leads in network marketing, check out this blog post.
Go make life an adventure.
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post on How to Be Patient with Your Results in Network Marketing.
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Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire