Becoming A True Expert
First off, it’s a little windy and the mic is picking up a lot of the wind noise so I apologize about that. I guess that’s just the sort of problems you have deal with in paradise 😉
So I wanted to talk to you today about a few things that all relate with becoming a true expert.
It’s easy to look back and say I would have done this or I would have done that because the picture is already painted, you can see all of the options, and the path has already been laid.
But when you’re looking forward it’s always a blank canvass with nothing on it except endless possibility and there are no markers or street signs to guide you. That means that you will take the wrong turn every now and again strictly based on odds.
And funny enough, that’s also the process in becoming a true expert.
Years ago a mentor told me, “If you’re going to get good at something, get good at something that’s worth getting good at”.
And that is really the best advice you can get on becoming a true expert. If you plan on becoming a true expert at something, plan on becoming a true expert at something that matter!
To me, network marketing IS that thing. It’s the only profession I know of that allows us to make the kind of money we can make, have the kind of time freedom we have to enjoy it, have the ability to help the most people possible, and live the lifestyles other people read about and in magazines while doing it.
But what I really want to stress is that, your success is inevitable. There is no doubt in my mind that you WILL reach the levels of success you want to reach IF you follow this rule that shows a sure fire way to becoming a true expert.
It’s the 10,000 hour rule.
It’s from Malcom Gladwell’s book, “Outliers” I encourage you to read that book! You can get it here:
The people who become masters, the best in their field, the true experts spend at least 10,000 hours on their craft.
You focus on your craft for 10,000 hours and you WILL become a master. It’s the most solid way to becoming a true expert.
If you do it long enough, you’re going to get good, period. SO if your intention is becoming a true expert in network marketing keep doing it and log the hours.
Make Life An Adventure!