Build Your Business the Right Way
I’m in Athens, Greece, next to the legendary Parthenon. It’s truly amazing to see history while overlooking all of modern-day Athens. All this rich, beautiful history, and this building has withstood the test of time. There’s a lesson to be learned here.
This is a lesson I did not learn for my first few years as an entrepreneur. When I started my first business I told myself that I was going to be my own boss. No one was going to make my schedule, I would never have to ask for time off, I could work when and where I wanted.
So that was my goal, and I immediately set out to planning, organizing and taking action towards achieving those goals.
And… For the first few years… nothing worked! It was so frustrating to work so hard and see no rewards, no growth, and no income. I’ve met many amazing people in network marketing who have gone through the same dilemma. They start their business, they hit the ground running, and after the first few successes, they flatten out, and they quit.
Through all the changes you’ll make to your business, your strategies, routines, whatever you may change, the answer lies in the principle- the Foundation of your business. You must build your business the right way.
Check out this week’s video for my secrets on how to build your business the right way.
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post.
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Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author