Chase Your Dreams With Everything In You!
I’m sitting in the lounge waiting to board my flight to Mt. Kilimanjaro recording a couple videos because…
A long time ago, in a mindset far far away… I put climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro on my bucket list.
And to be honest, at that time, I wasn’t really sure that those types of things were just fantasies. It seemed so unreachable to me.
At the time I put that on my list, I hadn’t checked hardly anything off. My life was, well, I don’t want to call it insignificant but I hadn’t done anything all that memorable in my life. So it was hard to even image that something like that was possible for me.
And today, as I’m sitting here getting ready finally on my way after ALL of these years of wanting to do this, I’m feeling incredibly blessed and incredibly fortunate for not only this but for everything!
I’ve been able to check off so many things on my bucket list, I have a beautiful family that I’m absolutely so in love with and totally adore.
And to be able to have life be such an amazing adventure and have such an amazing family is a huge blessing.
But I gotta tell ya, over the course of the journey, there were so many times in my entrepreneurial career where, there were a lot of heartaches and a lot of set backs.
There were a lot times where I doubted myself in a big way, I doubted my abilities, and my self worth.
There were times I did things I wasn’t proud of, and people did crappy things to me.
Massive debt, massive doubt, massive uncertainty…
But here’s the thing, and this is the most valuable characteristic you can have when it comes to creating success in life…
You just find a way, any way, to keep pushing forward! Chase your dreams as if your life depended on it! In fact, chase your dreams as if you intend on catching them!
There were times when I thought, “Maybe I should just go do what the 98% of the world does and go the easy route where you don’t chase your dreams”…
But deep down in my heart, I knew I wouldn’t be happy being a 98%er. And I have to thank God for
giving me the courage to keep going.
And my message to you is, if you look deep down in your heart, you gotta know you’re meant for more! You gotta low that you MUST chase your dreams.
You gotta know that it’s worth going through the struggle. Whatever you have to go through, it’s worth it! You just gotta keep pushing and chase your dreams with everything in you as if your life depends on it because, it does…
Make Life An Adventure!