I Stepped Outside Of My Comfort Zone Last Weekend And It Was Awesome!
So I just did a talk on a stage shared with AMAZING people!
And to be honest, I was nervous before I took the stage. And that triggered a reminder that, I was getting out of my comfort zone!
See, I speak all the time and I don’t ever really get nervous any more. I’ve become comfortable with my level of performance and ability.
But that’s NOT where you want to strive to be. You want to strive to be uncomfortable, to get OUT of your comfort zone.
Because that’s where all of the magic happens. All of the growth in life for every single person comes outside of the comfort zone. All of the success you create is only expanded and able to grow outside of the comfort zone.
All of the knowledge you gain and wisdom you gather is found outside of the comfort zone.
We must always seek to make our journey guide us on the path that leads to the edge of our comfort zone so we can take the step over into the unknown.
I love this quote in this video: “Sometimes you only need 20 seconds of massive courage…”
Because that is all you need. Just 20 seconds or less to take that step, to cross the line and enter into the place just outside of the edge of your comfort zone.
Take the challenge, step outside of your comfort zone and…