How To Find Your Core Purpose In Life
First off, sorry about the wind noise. I’m on the beach at Turks and Cacaos and I recorded a couple videos for you here. One really great video after I just got done kite surfing but you can’t hear anything other than the wind. 🙁
So at least in this one, you can hear the message and it’s such an important message about how to create your core purpose in life, I had to share this.
So many people ask me, “Matt, how have such boundless levels of energy?”
It’s really simple and I’m going to let you in on my secret.
The main reason I can just go, go, go, go, go is because almost all of the things I do are in direct alignment with my core purpose in life.
And if you haven’t figured out what your core purpose in life is, you gotta create it!
So here’s mine to give you an example:
My core purpose in life is to constantly grow myself to achieve Gods highest calling for my life. To seek out and experience peak adventures and experiences around the world. To make a positive impact on the lives of millions of people to leave a legacy of multi-generational love, success, wealth, and contribution for my family. And, to live life vicariously through myself!
And here’s a clue. When you decide what your core purpose in life is, it should give you goose bumps. It should powerfully inspire you and get you excited to want to live a life in alignment with your core purpose in life. Because you know if you do, you’re going to feel energized, charged up, and amazing every single day!
It should fuel you with boundless energy.
Your core life purpose should make you want to stay up late and get up early.
And you’ve got to have it in my mind and in your awareness to help guide your decisions so that your actions are congruent with that core purpose.
Here’s what I encourage you to do. Create your core purpose in life!
It’s really simple but don’t skimp on the time and effort in doing this.
Here’s one simple way to find your core purpose in life:
1. Break out a sheet of paper
2. And at the top of that sheet of paper write, “God put me on this Earth to…”
3. Fill in the blank
4. Keep writing until what you write strikes a chord in your heart so powerful it gives you goose bumps!
So there’s some homework. Go create your core purpose in life!