Create Opportunity, Don’t Wait For It!
You’ve probably heard is, “Strike while the iron is hot”. And I think this quote creates so many entrepreneurs to wait for the right opportunity instead of create opportunity!
Waiting to strike while the iron is hot is just that… waiting!
But leaders don’t wait for opportunity, they create opportunity.
Many people will wait for the right opportunity their entire lives. And you know what? It may NEVER come along.
You can wait with metaphorical hammer in hand to strike when the iron is hot or…
You can create opportunity by striking the metaphorical iron so much you make it hot! You actually create opportunity by making the iron hot from your actions and effort.
If you do that, you are almost guaranteed to experience massive success every time.
So remember, striking while the iron is hot is a good thing to if/when opportunity crosses your path but striking so much you MAKE the iron hot and create opportunity is a far better path to take!