Decide To Win Before You Play The Game…
Well here we go! It’s day 1 of the Kilimanjaro adventure!
I’m really excited to get going and we’ve got a pretty demanding journey ahead of us.
About 4,000 feet up in about 6 hours today. Then a then the next day we’ll walk another few hours then summit day we end up walking about 16 hours.
As we start the track today, I’m just thinking about being prepared for the journey. And part of being prepared is knowing that it’s going to be a long journey, it’s going to challenging, but going anyway!
And here’s the key message for today. I’m saying this before I get to the top. I can tell ya beyond a shadow of a doubt that I will make it to the summit. Even though I heard that half the people who attempt this don’t make it, I know I will.
Because I prepared. I know it’s going to be a journey. I know there’s going to be some pain. I know I’m going to get tired and sore but I’m prepared for the journey.
And mainly, because all things being equal, I decide to win before I ever step one foot on the field. I decide to win before I play the game. I decide to win no matter what is thrown at me.
What does it mean to “be prepared”? What do you get prepared for? The only answer that works here is, it doesn’t matter. You decide to win with total faith and total conviction and you decide that anything that comes up, any obstacle, any challenge, any pain, any anything will not stop you because you decide to win before you take one step on the journey.
And the same applies to network marketing, starting a business, or any entrepreneurial career.
So many people fail because they think it’s going to be easy and when they find out it’s not, they quit.
They go in unprepared with false expectations. Someone told them it would be easy money, they believed it, and they failed because of it.
Think about this mountain…
If everyone was telling me it was as easy as a walk in the park on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, I wouldn’t have trained, I wouldn’t have busted my butt getting ready for what waits on this journey, and I would not have been mentally, physically, or emotionally prepared for it and…
I would have failed before I even got on the plane to get here.
But when you decide to win with 100% faith and conviction, you do what it takes to win, without exception.
And that’s the level of confidence I want for you on your journey, your track, your climb.
Decide to win and a magical thing happens, you DO win!
Make Life An Adventure!