Do Today What Others Won’t, Have Tomorrow What Others Don’t!
I’m sitting here in a little cafe in Puerto Rico. I’m about out of gas, I’m tired, I haven’t slept hardly at all in days. And just on the other side of a wall that separates me from a group of people waiting for me, I have a speaking event to do.
Staying up late, getting up early, grinding away doing meeting after meeting, call after call, event after event, and training after training. Flying all around the world to support and grow my organization.
I’ve been extremely blessed and I make and have enough money that I don’t have to work. I’m super tired. I didn’t want to get on the early flight to get here this morning and I really didn’t even want to do an early morning meeting. So why?
Why would I do this? Why would I push so hard?
First off, I love what I do! I may not always want to start but once I get going I love it!
Second, I have MUCH bigger goals.
And there’s one driving quote that keeps me going and pushing towards my goals that I want you to learn and repeat anytime you’re tired, out of gas, feeling worn out, or just want to quit.
“Do today what others won’t, have tomorrow what others don’t”.
See, you gotta always remember, do today what others won’t, have tomorrow what others don’t.
Tired? Repeat this to yourself: Do today what others won’t, have tomorrow what others don’t!
Out of gas? Repeat this to yourself: Do today what others won’t, have tomorrow what others don’t!
I think you get the point. Success ONLY comes with hard work. And hard work is just that, HARD! The illusion that success comes easy is just an illusion and I don’t know one person who is financially successful who is afraid of hard work and hasn’t worked their butt off to get there.
You can have all the motivation int he world, the best plan in the world, the best support system in the world, the best and most modern tools available to man, but if your effort is weak, you’re results will be weak as well.
You only have one life. And if want to live an amazing life full of wealth, it’s time to go to work and always remember this quote:
Do today what others won’t, have tomorrow what others don’t
Make Life An Adventure!