How Do You Handle The Dream Stealers, The Nay Sayers, The Critics, and The People Who Just Don’t Support You in Your Life?
The very first thing I want you to do is write this down, declare it to yourself every single day, declare it to the world via social media or how ever you have to and do whatever it takes to be 100% certain that you are fully aware of this truth:
People will only respect you to the level you respect yourself.
When you don’t respect yourself to stand up for your dreams in a confident and authentic way, you’re giving dream stealers all the fuel they need to dominate your self image.
Dream stealers aren’t trying to be bad people, they’re really just following your lead so once you understand that and you still allow people in your life to laugh at you, ridicule you, tell you that you can’t do it, you deserve to have it in your life.
So here’s my advice. I’ve had dream stealers in my life before, but no there are no dream stealers in my life, no one that laughs at me and if there are they are definitely not in my presence.
Because I took my own advice and I eliminated every single dream stealer in my life, and I did that way before I stared making money.
If you want to be a leader, you have to eliminate all of the negative influence in your life, all of the dream stealers gotta go!
And that doesn’t mean you have to remove people from life. Sometimes it does but not always. I remember the day I stopped allowing dream sealers in my life.
I had a friend who was always teasing me asking if I made my millions yet and up until that day, I allowed it to happen because I didn’t respect myself.
But then one day I looked him square in the face and said with every ounce of conviction I have, “Don’t ever laugh at me like that again okay”.
And he was caught a little off guard but just said, “Cool” and we continued to be friends and had a great relationship after that and he never did it again. He remained my friend but stopped being dream stealer.
The bottom line is, you’ve got to take a stand for yourself and if you can’t take a stand for yourself, don’t expect anyone else to take a stand for you.
Make Life An Adventure,