How To Feel Happy
So as I was on the elliptical machine training for my Mt. Kilimanjaro climb in August, I’m thinking how cool it is to consistently feel happy, amazingly happy!
And as I’m going and I’m working out I’m asking, “Why is it that I feel happy so often?”
Don’t get me wrong, I have my down days where I don’t feel happy, we all do but for the most part, I always feel happy (it kind of irritates my wife sometimes because all hell can be breaking loose and I’m just smiling and happy! LOL).
So what is it that makes me feel happy all of the time?
#1 I work out a lot and when you work out it changes your physiology. When you work out it literally creates “feel happy” chemicals in your body.
#2 I’m always super excited about my goals in front of me. I believe the goals that keep me striving towards my best are a huge factor in why I feel happy all the time.
#3 Constantly driving forward towards a goal. Many people mix this up and think becoming a millionaire or getting fit or finding the perfect relationship will make them feel happy. And it does, for a little while. Then they wonder why they stop feeling happy. Success is not an end goal, it’s the progressive realization of a worthwhile goal or dream.
I want to here from you. Let me know what you’re driving towards. What is your current goal?
Make Life An Adventure!