If your life was on the big screen… Would you stay and watch?
Feeling Fulfillment – Motivational Monday
I had a member of my team come to me last week and say…
“I can’t do this anymore, I’m overwhelmed and I don’t feel like I can perform my tasks anymore, I quit.”
Of course, a good leader is going not going to just watch teammates walk away. Especially when they know that the member is doing a great job, things can just be more difficult and they need reassurance of their position in the team.
We met for coffee and we talked about it. He was having a hard time putting his dissatisfaction into words. He said he was overwhelmed, that it felt like he was not making an impact on the team and he didn’t belong anymore.
We went over the usual workday process, found key points where he was struggling, and we addressed them accordingly.
My goal was to investigate why he was overwhelmed and where we could find balance.
Many times overwhelm is just an excuse for something much deeper.
Having fulfillment is… satisfaction in any situation. During massive growth or slowdowns, successful sales or failing a few times, having tasks that we don’t know how to do and the challenge of overcoming them, and pairing all of that with our daily lives.
I can’t blame him! Being on a high-performance team in one of the worlds largest sales organizations can definitely be overwhelming! But if you have Fulfillment… If you love the process, if it brings you joy to build a business and see the effects on other peoples lives… If you can take a step back from the massive todo list and take a look at the massive forest instead of just the biggest trees… You’ve grown a damn forest!
You’ve created processes that didn’t exist before you! Or you didn’t have the skill necessary to complete a task but now you do, and all of it was done to help an organization and build your own personal fulfillment in work and in life…
Being overwhelmed is definitely a symptom that needs to be addressed… but your longevity, your gratitude for waking up and having that opportunity needs to always be reinforced and never taken for granted.
This is a video by Simon Sinek. It’s geared towards millennials, but I see it as something that can affect us all. It really shines a light on having that fulfillment and how important even the smallest details in our lives can be.
P.S. Our overwhelmed friend had a few days off, and he’s back in the saddle doing the amazing work he is known to do.
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post.
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Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author