Getting Good At Stuff And Improving Your Skills
So I’m in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. I’m in the backstage area getting ready to go on stage and I sort of chuckle and think:
“Man, I used to really, REALLY suck at this! In fact, my very first public speaking event 6 people showed up and 3 people left. That’s how bad I was. But now I’m really, REALLY good at it, because I’ve been doing it for 15 years now!”
And it got me thinking about how we go about getting good at stuff and improving your skills.
And there are a couple of things we all have to do to get good at things in our lives.
There’s sort of an art and science to getting good at things and improving your skills and what I mean by that is this.
The science part of getting good at things and improving your skills is following proven fundamental instruction and lessons taught be people who have achieved the same, similar, or better results that you’re looking to achieve in that particular area of your life.
You can practice the science on getting good at things and improving your skills by reading books, going to seminars, attending trainings, and of course, the big one, just showing up and DOING it or taking action!
The art part of getting good at things and improving your skills is making it your own or owning those skills and adding your personality, your flare, and your uniqueness to the skills.
And the only sure fire way I know how to do this is by just showing up, taking action, and doing it!
See, when you first start something, you’re never going to be worse at that thing than you are right now. You only have one place to go and that’s up. And with each event or action you take, you add experience and the more experience you have the better you become at things. And the better you become at things, the more confidence you have and when you have confidence, you have FUN!
And when you have fun, fear transforms into excitement and THAT’S when you authentically infuse your flare, your personally, and your uniqueness into your skills 100%.
It’s always progressing, and you’re always getting better but getting good at things and improving your skills in life is as simple as learning skills, applying those skills through repetitive action, and adding you’re “special sauce” that only you have to the mix.
So if you’re in sales, if you’re in network marketing, or anything else for that matter and you feel like you’re not very skilled, keep at it my friend!
There is An Art and Science To Getting Good At Things and Improving Your Skills in Life But The Most Important Element of All If You Want To Get Good At Things And Improve Your Skills Is…
Just do it over and over and over again and pretty soon, you’ll not only be good, you’ll be an expert!
I want you to be able to travel the world, have tons of fun, and make a difference in the lives of 1,000’s of 1,000’s of people. It’s a blast and you deserve it for yourself!
I started out with severe stage fright and NO skills but I decided I wanted to focus on getting good at public speaking, improving my skills by taking action reading books and attending trainings, and most importantly, I just kept stubbornly doing it even though I was nervous and even though I sucked at it! LOL
Now it’s a source of fun an excitement for me.
So what are you going to focus on getting good at and improving your skills in?
Make Life An Adventure,