There were many times in my early career when I felt like giving up on network marketing completely! As some of you know, I struggled for about 5 years until I got to a full time income. Now, as I’ve been traveling around the world and have grown to lead organizations of over 1,000,000 people, people will say “You’re so good,” and edify me a lot.
It’s great to get the edification and all. But in reality, the truth is that I’m just a few years ahead of you guys. If you do anything for 22 years of your life eventually you’re gonna get good at it.
When you have that feeling, when you feel like giving up on network marketing, I want you to think about a couple of these examples.
Think about a baby.
When a baby comes out of the womb it has to learn how to walk. The parents don’t give up on their baby before they learn how to walk, you’re going to keep working with your baby until it happens. Right?
Playing the guitar.
Now, I’m ridiculously bad at playing the guitar. I own one and have taken a handful of lessons, but I’m still really bad at it. Here’s what I know is true: as bad as I am, I know I’m capable of doing it one day. Anyone who played the guitar and practiced an hour a day, consistently over time, is going to get good. You can’t not get good — especially if you have a coach or a mentor.
The great thing about the network marketing profession is that whatever company you’re involved in you typically have an upline and a training system to plug in to. You can even have a foster mentor and mentors from afar, like myself, learning by watching videos like this.
Just realize this, you have to get good eventually. If you feel like giving up on network marketing because your skill set is not where it needs to be, be patient with yourself. Be patient with your results… But be impatient with your activity!
The key to this business is consistent effort over time.
If you keep taking that consistent effort over time, you’re going to get good. I was really bad for a while, before I got good. Again, if you do anything long enough you’re going to get good at it, so have that faith in yourself.
Sometimes you just have to reach down deep and source faith in yourself and knowing that you can do it! There’s going to be challenges that come up. You’re gonna lie to yourself from time to saying things like, “Well maybe I’m not cut out for network marketing. Maybe it’s because I’m not a good enough sales person, or I wasn’t born with the right charisma.”
All of the above are lies that rob you from your freedom.
I believe anyone can do this if they are willing to put in the work and put in the learning. See, in our profession the formula for success is very simple:
Financial Vehicle x Effort x Skill = SUCCESS
You already have the vehicle, so out and learn as much as you can! Watch every video that I’ve put out, take notes on those videos, go through my videos and learn as if you are required to do a training on the information that you learn.
Here’s the catch: to avoid giving up on network marketing, you can’t just learn — you actually have to apply it!
In our business there is an art and a science, and the only way to get the art is to go out and do it over and over again. If you’re willing to do that I guarantee it will come together for you. When you feel like quitting, and when you feel like giving up on network marketing — remember you have what it takes, you just have to do it long enough to get the art and science down.
Once you get it, you got it! It’s never gonna go away. You’ll be able to create income at will. You’re gonna be able to build new teams at will. Anytime you want to, you can just turn it on and it can lead you to an absolutely incredible life of fun, freedom and fulfillment.
As I’m here in Romania, it’s so amazing to see so many people here achieving financial freedom. Lives have been changed because I told someone, who told someone, who told someone. And now we are launching yet another country.
That’s my wish for you. I wish for you to be able to get the financial freedom you deserve, get that out of the way, and be able to spend the rest of your life helping other people.
Hope you appreciated this message! If you feel like it can be of value to some others, share it around. Love to hear you comments below!
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Go make life an adventure!
– Matt