Focus on Your Goals – Motivational Monday
The weekends over, its time to to to work and grind out those goals. How committed are you? You have to work at it. Your plans and your goals are how you make your dreams a reality.
In 490 B.C, after a great battle between the Athenians and the Persian Empire, a lone soldier ran across the country to announce their victory. He ran over 25 miles back to his leaders. With his last breath, he shouted “Niki (Victory)!” before dying of exhaustion. This solider set the bar so high that he would define people’s lives to this very day. He created The Marathon.
That little sticker with 26.2 on it? That belongs to someone who has completed a marathon. That is someone, who in their working life, has devoted their free time, entertainment, and entire lifestyle to train. They set a goal that requires them to run endlessly and diet perfectly only to receive a sticker and some recognition. They’re not super human, the key difference is that they had a dream worth fighting for. They set a goal, made clear, concise plans, and executed until they have achieved Niki.
You’re out in the world, and whatever it is you want to do you need to plan well and work hard. Times will come where you need to change how you move forward. Make that day today.
Use today to reorganize and keep moving forward.
Dreams don’t just happen, you have to engage in consistent action, because what you want tomorrow only happens when work is done today. Work in this moment and as a result, you will always love your future.
Plan those actions, achieve your dreams.
Make a plan –
Work the plan.
Set a goal –
Achieve the Dream
Stay motivated, keep all that hard working coming. One day you’ll have made it all happen.
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post.
Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram accounts for daily motivational and inspirational content.
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author