I spoke to a packed out crowd a couple nights ago at a restaurant in San Diego.
It’s always a ton of fun for me and I wanted to share my own unique little process I’ve used for the past 10 years when I got started with my company.
I had allowed myself to get burned out in the past and it got to the point where it just wasn’t “fun” doing events anymore. That’s a major problem and I knew it would cost me a ton of money if I allowed that to continue.
So I implemented rule #1 for myself.
What’s rule #1 you ask?
Public Speaking Rule #1: It’s to have FUN.
I decided my #1 goal when I did a presentation wasn’t going to be to sign someone up, it was to have a blast doing it. It wasn’t that I was going to purposely do a bad job or anything. Quite the opposite – I was still going to close anyone who’s closable… but in the process, I decided to make fun the priority.
I decided to put away the formalities, be my crazy self, and just let it rip.
Why It’s Important to HAVE FUN for a Successful Public Speaking
Here’s what I discovered…
Because my presentations became so much more fun than they had ever been, my closing ratio actually went up. More people wanted to come to events because, well, they were fun.
Public Speaking Tip: Be Informative First and Informative Second
It goes back to what my mentor taught me. In speaking, be entertaining first and informative second. Because when you’re entertaining, you distract the guard (the person’s skeptical nature) and you’re able to get your message in.
Now I didn’t do it for a higher closing ratio… I did it because I didn’t want to get burned out and I genuinely just wanted to make my life a joy. As a benefit, my closing ratio went up.
This is an important part of it. I created a rule… any time I present or anytime I train, that means I’m gonna have fun. REGARDLESS of the circumstance or the outcome.
- If the venue is jacked up, I’m gonna have fun.
- If no one shows up, I’m gonna have fun.
- If someone heckles me, I’m gonna have fun.
- If no one signs up, I’m gonna have fun.
- If the lights go out and the room goes pitch black (which has happened), I’m gonna have fun.
- If I meet someone for coffee and they’re rude, I’m gonna have fun.
- If I drive three hours to a city and zero guests show up, I’m gonna have fun
Listen, ALL of these scenarios have happened in the last decade. Throughout it all, I just keep deciding to have fun. And you know what? Life is a joy. (And as a bonus, I’ve made more money than I ever have)
You only have one life to life, my friend. Go create your own “FUN” rules!
Much love,
Matt Morris
I Help Network Marketers Become Powerful Influencers
P.S. – If you want to learn the mental strategies I don’t talk about by email that are designed to move you forward MUCH faster in business and in life, pick up my book over at www.7StrategiesBook.com and read it.
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You may also READ our previous blog post entitled “Public Speaking – Deliver Your Message” which is about the strategies I used when reaching out to my fans and fellow network marketers. It’s about how to be remarkable at public speaking. It’s how an event can go so well you lose your voice, and afterwards, still continue to motivate others. You can also watch the video here.
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