How To Find Your Greatness Within
What matters to you? I want you to think about that question and really try to find clarity when you answer it.
A lot of people will answer it with “success” but what is success? What success means to me may be something entirely different than what it means to you.
To some it means money, to others it means freedom, to others it means status and significance, and to others it may mean simplicity. There are as many different definitions to success as there are people on this planet but one thing we can all agree on is, success comes from achieving, creating, or acquiring something that matters to you!
And to do that, you have to find the greatness within yourself.
See, the greatness within yourself isn’t something that you can obtain through external sources. It’s not something that comes to you through magic. The greatness within yourself is something that you un-cage through becoming the person who has the ability to create what they want in life.
You don’t get from life what you want, you get from life what you are and if you want all of the great things that matter to you, you MUST unlock the greatness within yourself to get them.
So what matters to you? And more importantly, what do you have to transform in order to access the greatness within so that you can get it…
Make Life An Adventure!
Credit for the content in the video goes to:
Eric Thomas, Les Brown, Jaret Grossman, Jim Carrey, Ashton Cutcher
Limitless, The Pursuit of Happiness, Invincible, Neil Young The 60 Year Old Skateboarder