Who To Work With To Grow Your Network Marketing Business
If you want to grow your network marketing business, you have to know who to work with.
One of most common mistakes people makes is one you might be making also while working to grow your network marketing business.
You work with the people who need it instead of the people who deserve it.
Here are some thing to remember about who you work with if you want to grow your networking marketing business:
- You work with the greedy not the needy
- You work with those who deserve it not who need it
- Potential doesn’t pay you bills, production does
- Focus almost all of your effort on the people who are producing
The best way to look at this if you really want to grow your network marketing business is to, always pour gas on the fire!
Spend your time with and train the people who are producing. Your time is better spent recruiting producers rather than re-training potential.
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