Perfect Happiness… Is it even a possibility? According to the people over at SoulPancake it is and they’ve found it!
When the Science of Happiness team saw Mama Hills perfect happiness score, they were both surprised and excited at the same time. She was the first ever to get a perfect score displaying perfect happiness and it seems she’s learned a thing or two about life in her 73 years of life.
And since I know that one of the greatest gifts we get from our elders is the gift of wisdom, I pay attention when I run across a wise one, especially if she’s a cute little lady like Mama Hill.
They’ve been around, they’ve collected vast amounts of experience, they’ve skinned their knees a few times from falling down and they’ve learned how to heal the wounds while getting the lesson.
They’ve figured some things out that we might not have enough time to figure out just yet and if we’re lucky enough and humble enough, they’re happy to share their wisdom.
Just like Mama Hill does on how to live a happy life.
Out of all the people who took this happiness test, she scored the highest, in fact, she’s the ONLY ONE who got a perfect score on the happiness test.
When it comes to knowing how to live a happy life, Mama Hill’s got it figured out and shares it with us in 2 minutes.
What’s her secret?
Simple daily disciplines:
1. Gratitude
2. Mindfulness
3. Meditation/Focus
4. And attitude of service
5. Looking for the answers she want’s to find
6. Keeping it light (I don’t know about you but the thought of a 73 year old watching cartoons just makes my heart smile)
So if you want to live a happy life, this appears to be the perfect recipe!
Thanks Mama Hill and I’m sure you need no reminder to…
Make Life An Adventure,