Fun = Success
We had a massive ice storm sweep over us here in north Texas. And of course my daughters wanted to go play in the snow. What they didn’t realize is that as much as it looks like snow, it’s SOLID ice!
So we went out to the little park across the street from my house to play and they just kept slipping and sliding and falling down and having a great time.
And as always, everything in life has a lesson and the lesson I teach my kids is, when I ask them, “What do you do when you fall down?” they always answer with an enthusiastic, “YOU GET BACK UP!”.
So I thought I’d just do a quick video to remind everyone that with any great achievement, you WILL get knocked down.
I’ve never met a successful entrepreneur or person in life for that matter who hasn’t had multiple failures. But the difference between them and the people who don’t succeed is one simple thing…
They GET BACK UP every single time!
So if you’re down right now, GET BACK UP!
And probably the more important lesson is to always remember, no matter what life throws at you, be a failure or an epic ice storm, HAVE FUN and don’t take yourself or any of it too seriously.
Success is attracted to fun, adventurous, light hearted playfulness so always remember…
Make Life An Adventure!