“I don’t think it’s going to work…”
“I don’t think I can do this…”
“I never should have even started this…”
“Why can’t this be easier?”
Ever heard any of these?
Where did you hear it? I’ll bet that whenever you hear these words, they put you in a bad mood. They cause you to question where you are at in your life. You start to question your existence and what even matters…
I’ll bet that 99% of the time, it’s only you. It’s only your voice questioning your attempts at a better life.
Guess what: They will never go away.
Doubt will always be there, trying to pry into your life and stop you from taking action. It’s amazing to see how people will beat themselves into submission before anyone else has a chance to even try.
You have a choice.
We accept that the negative voice will always be there, but what do we do about it? Are you going to quit? When I started Network Marketing, I sucked, and I sucked for 5 long years before I finally started to gain traction and make a name for myself.
For 5 years I listened to these ideas…
Every. Single. Day.
Every. Single. Call.
But I always made a choice to push forward.
Making Negativity into Positivity
When the doubt-alarm would go off, that I was wasting my time and that I could not be successful, I smiled. A quick inner dialogue to say “Oh yeah? But what if I keep doing this, what will my life be like when I strike gold and make an amazing life?”
You will always have a choice – Listen to your self-doubt and become an easy-quitter, or be courageous enough to fight for your future.
P.S. You can do it.
This video is an amazing interpretation of how you will always be your greatest enemy or your greatest motivation.
Thanks again for reading this week’s blog post.
Be sure to check out my Facebook and Instagram accounts for daily motivational and inspirational content.
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author