How Much Money Do You Make in Network Marketing?
Do you like that question? Kind of makes you feel violated and feel inappropriate doesn’t it? But it comes up all the time when recruiting for Network Marketing so I decided to make a video to answer the:
“How Much Money Do You Make?”…
It comes up a lot for a lot of people in network marketing and I’ve wanted to address it for a long time because it can be show a stopper in a bad way, especially if you’re new to network marketing.
First off, that question usually comes up when you have a lack of confidence, posture, and you controlling the process and the more confidence you have, the more that question goes away.
Second, it’s a sign that you have the wrong prospect. They shouldn’t be worried about how much you’re making, they should be focused on how much they want to make.
So here are some ways to handle that question:
1. You can say, “I’m doing great but it’s not about how much money I’m making it’s about how well you can do!” And then immediately go into the next phase of your process.
No pause on this, you’re not asking them a question, you’re making a statement.
2. Another thing you can say is, “You know what, I’m just getting started but let me introduce you to X who X”. It’s good to know a bunch of people in your upline and know their stories so you can match them up with the prospects background.
3. Another way to handle this is to just be a bit blunt! It’s kind of rude to ask someone how much money they are making so you just lob it back over to them and say something like, “Well John, really?!? How much money do you have in your savings account? How much money do you have in your retirement account?” And you kind of squash that one before it grows legs so to speak because it’s kind of an inappropriate question to begin with.
If you have any techniques to handle the question, “How much money do you make?” in network marketing prospecting feel free to leave them in the comments section below.
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