Make no mistake about it, if you’re in sales or network marketing, you’re in the people business.
And if you’re not GOOD with people, you’re going to have a very looooong and painful experience.
These 3 words are likely the most simple, yet powerful words you can use to connect with people.
You see, people are much more likely to buy from, and do business, with people they like.
And here’s something to never forget…
People like people who like them.
Hence the 3 Magic Words that Can Help you Build Rapport with Anyone in Networking Marketing
Work in those three magic words, without being weird of course, and your likability quotient will go through the roof.
By far, the quickest way to get someone to like you, is to like them. So the next time you’re meeting someone, or even building rapport with someone you know, find genuine reasons to like them and TELL them.
Try it out and lemme know!
Matt Morris
#1 Best-Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire
You may also READ our blog post about “Network Marketing Advice from a Multi-Millionaire Entrepreneur”
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