If you’re building a direct selling organization or if you’re building a business of any kind, you’re going to have negative things happen. No way around it.
In 25 years as an entrepreneur, I feel like I’ve been through it all.
- Companies going out of business
- People quitting on me
- Event disasters
- Losing six to multiple six-figures in investments
- Losing major organizations of people to other companies
- You name it!
When negative things happened early on, it used to bother me a great deal. I’d lose sleep and stress myself out like crazy. I’d want to rip people’s heads off.
But for the sake of saving my sanity, I found a magical solution that I’ve never heard anyone else teach.
I’m by no means totally free from stress (we all have our moments) but I’ve learned to get over things VERY quickly and today I’m going to give you my secret…
2 words…
Purposeful Amnesia
I purposefully train my mind to forget about negative experiences VERY quickly.
Here are Some Effective Ways on How to Get Over Bad Experiences
When bad things happen, stop talking about them. Every time you complain, it’s like picking a scab… you just continue to prolong the injury.
When someone quits, stop bad mouthing them. Even if you’re right.
Stop broadcasting your issues on social media. Here’s a hint… you think you’re “venting” – other people think you’re just a negative complainer.
When this negative thing pops up in your mind, focus your mind elsewhere.
Golden Nugget Alert:
ZERO positive comes into your life by wishing the past was different.
Wishing things were different in the past is an absolute and total waste of mental energy.
By focusing on past negativity, you allow your past to piss on your future.
The past is history, the future is a mystery, and today is a gift – that’s why it’s called the present.
So, my friend, the next time something negative happens, learn from any mistake you may have made and immediately implement my 2 key words…
Purposeful Amnesia
NOW, if you’re committed to making your future absolutely amazing…
If you’d like to know what you can do right now in the present…
Right now, go to www.7StrategiesBook.com and get my book. You can download it immediately and start reading it. Follow the 7 strategies I used to overcome 5 years of failure in direct selling and shoot me a reply to this email and let me know what impact it’s having in your life.
Lots of love,
Matt Morris
#1 Best Selling Author of The Unemployed Millionaire
You may also READ our previous blog post about “Top 20 Best Self Help Books of All Time”.
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