Learning how to overcome objections in Network Marketing is one of the most critical and important aspects to creating success in network marketing.
And I get the question all the time. Literally every single day.
So when Anton sent it in to askmatt@mattmorris.com, I thought this would be a great opportunity for me to share my top strategies on how to overcome objections in network marketing.
I’m going to cover the most common and difficult objections we all experience and I want you to know that these strategies are skills and while you may not be masterful at them yet, they are something you learn through repetitive action! So I’m just going to lay out the rules for closing that have worked to overcome objection in network marketing for thousands of people including me!
Rules To Overcome Objection in Network Marketing:
2. NO emotional attachment to them joining
3. Convince yourself that you LOVE to close!
4. Show them how to feel (be the leader and role model)
5. Closing starts with the invite
6. Assume they are gong to get started
The 3 main questions people are thinking when they’re looking at your network marketing opportunity are:
1. Does it work?
2. Can I do it?
3. Will you help me?
Next is what do you actually say after the presentation is over. First, STOP TALKING, start closing! Do not over sell.
This is the #1 way to force yourself into a situation that you MUST overcome objection because what you’re doing it showing them that they have to be a sales person just like you’re being at that time!
And here’s my #1 close: Get ready this is intense:
I just go up to them, give em a high five and say, “You’re in right?” And then it’s simply about following up with the correct questions:
- Are you ready to get started?
- Do you have any questions?
- Do you have any more questions or are you ready to get started?
HINT: Use the work okay! “Let’s get you started okay?” The #1 reason people don’t join network marketing is they’re not asked! Just ask. Ask early, ask often. Sort don’t sell!
That’s the overview on how to overcome objection in network marketing and in the coming issues, I’m going to give you a framework to handle almost any objection, and they go through and answer each specific objection!
Make Life An Adventure!
Matt Morris
P.S. If you’d like the best objection handling training in network marketing, I’ve created The ULTIMATE Objection Handling Masterclass that will give you exact word-for-word scripts on how to overcome every major objection in network marketing. Register for free at www.OvercomeTheObjection.com