Great Leadership Lesson or Could This Be The Actual Crazy Train?
I dare you to try and not laugh. You might make it 20 seconds, maybe even minute, but try to watch the entire 2:59 video without laughing… My money is on you WILL laugh!
I made it about 25 seconds and started to smirk, about 31 seconds I was smiling, and right about 37 seconds I was laughing!
So aside from starting the week off with a good healthy laugh, this video contains a great lesson in leadership.
Leadership is vital to success in life in all aspects because everything rises and falls with leadership.
But what many people fail to realize is, no matter what you’re doing in life, you are always leading by example, whether you intend to or not. (Anyone who has kids knows this very well)
Energy is contagious and leadership is created through energy. If you approach leadership with an iron fist and dictator style with a “fear me” attitude, you’ll create leaders that use that same approach.
If you approach leadership with expansive, growth focused, and collaborative cooperation type style, you’ll create leaders that us that style of leadership.
Just like in this video where the entire train can’t help but laugh, when you take a leadership role with focused energy and actions, everyone will share the same energy as the leader.
You can make that look exactly as you want it to look with your energy because energy is contagious, even if you don’t want it to be!
Why do you think MUCH more people gravitate towards happy, charismatic leaders who are always smiling and being friendly verses people who take the leadership role out of creating fear?
Because far more people want to feel inspired than fearful and when around people that inspire you, you obviously feel inspired so you seek out the leaders that inspire and generally avoid the leaders who instill fear based motivation.
Practice becoming more aware of how you’re showing up in the world and adjust it to become the kind of leader that you’d want to follow and you’ll see more and more people start to gravitate towards you that can and will enhance your life.
And be sure and let everyone know how far you made it through the video before you started laughing too!