This May Be The BEST Leadership Quote Ever!
When it comes to success, many people put leaders on a pedestal.
I know I did when I was just getting started and met my mentor. I saw how amazing he was, how awesome it was how people hung on every word, and how great of a closer he was and I thought:
“I’d really love to be that good some day but… I’m not him!”
And that’s why I talk about leadership so much. Leadership is the cornerstone of everything! Everything in life rises and falls with leadership.
And to think that you’re “not” a leader or don’t have the quality of leadership that our mentor does is just plain bad thinking.
And I’ve never seen a better quote that explains this than the quote at the top of page 21 in David Schwartz book, “The Magic Of Thinking Big”.
“It is well to respect the leader. Learn from him. Observe him. Study him. But don’t worship him. Believe you can surpass. Believe you can go beyond. Those who harbor the second-best attitude are invariably second-best doers.”
See, what held me back for the longest time was my beliefs about me never being able to attain the same qualities as my mentors and all of the inspiring leaders I followed and still follow.
My belief system was “bad”. And if you have a bad belief system like I did, you need to change it like I did!
And you can start by following this homework.
1. Read this book:
2. Memorize this quote: “It is well to respect the leader. Learn from him. Observe him. Study him. But don’t worship him. Believe you can surpass. Believe you can go beyond. Those who harbor the second-best attitude are invariably second-best doers.”
Leadership is one of the most powerful qualities you can develop in life and more you repeat that quote, the more you start to realize that you CAN become a powerful leader.
And once you start seeing the benefits of leadership, always be mindful to never allow your people to put you on a pedestal. Because by doing that, you’re capping their leadership ability.
And a team full of powerful leaders is ALWAYS the team that wins!
The only thing stopping you is your mind…
Make Life An Adventure!