Replace Your Limiting Beliefs With One Question
First off, seriously? What kind of insane awesomeness is this?
Every single person has a talent, a skill, or a gift that is their own. It may be similar to others but each person is 100% unique.
Some people can sing, some are great at business, others are great chefs while others build amazing machines.
Some people can draw, some people can dance, some people can make you laugh, others can inspire you to the point of tears.
People are awesome all the way around if and when you look for whats awesome about people.
But what I think many people fail to do or don’t do enough is, look for the awesomeness within themselves.
People tend to focus on what they cannot do, the skills they don’t have, and compare themselves to others.
But this man, this amazingly incredibly talented man, who lives with a disability that would create a full stop on any progress for most people, creates this magical artwork with a….
TYPEWRITER!? Are you kidding me?
He can’t do a lot of things that you and I can do but that didn’t stop him from doing the one thing that he could do.
And with his skills, talents, and art he brings a powerful message. It’s one of the most powerful messages of all really. It’s a reminder of a question we should ask ourselves every day multiple times a day.
Maybe you can’t sing or dance. Maybe you aren’t the best cook in the world. Maybe you can’t shoot a bow and arrow at competition level. Well, if you can’t do that…
What CAN you do? Whether your limiting beliefs are true or not, you can replace them by searching your mind and finding things you CAN do to replace the things you believe you cannot.
That’s the clear lesson in this Motivational Monday. To ask ourselves and each other, What CAN I do?
So you’re not a naturally great writer… What CAN you do? Replace the limiting belief that you cannot do something with the empowering belief that you can!
You’re not a naturally great speaker… What CAN you do? Replace the limiting belief that you cannot do something with the empowering belief that you can!
Focus on your strengths to make them stronger. Focus on the things that make you ask What CAN you do and replace the limiting belief that you cannot do something with the empowering belief that you can!
The quality of your life, the level of your happiness, the level of your success are determined by the quality of questions you ask yourself. Make the question of “What CAN I do?” be a question you ask and answer frequently and it will change your life as it replaces your limiting beliefs with empowering beliefs.
Make Life An Adventure!