How to “Live From Abundance” And Why You Should…
If you were to base your perception of the world by reading the headlines or watching the news, you’d think a huge portion of the world was filled with nothing but corruption, reality TV shenanigans, and celebrity drama and honestly, if that was all there was, it would be huge disappointment.
Luckily that’s just a tiny fraction of what fills our world and the hearts of the people in it.
At the time I’m writing this, this video has over 12,000,000 views! And while that’s pretty impressive, what’s more impressive is what it says about humanity.
People are full of love, compassion, kindness, and generosity and when other people create a platform to support those things, the best of who we are comes out and it’s very apparent that people crave to live from abundance.
So this edition of Motivational Monday I want to express the power of giving is the doorway to the best qualities we have as human beings and the fastest way to live from abundance. You can clearly see the transformational power giving has in this touching video of a person living from abundance.
That mans life was changed and his hope was restored. Who knows the ripple effect that will have in the world but you could see right away all he wanted to do was share the love and generosity. And the person who performed the act of giving has received massive publicity giving him the opportunity to create more success so he can give even more! See how this works?
We hear it all the time. Give back in business even before you can and you’ll reap far greater rewards than you give.
Companies like Toms Shoes, Warby Parker, and even the company I founded all started off by giving, well before we had any kind of success to speak of.
What you I want you to do is start to live from abundance versus scarcity. See, when you live from abundance your mind works very differently than from scarcity.
You start to see solutions, you begin to become very innovative, you find resources that you never knew were there and you become a solution creating machine that can blast through obstacles like they’re not even there.
When you give, you get. And that applies to everything and here’s the true secret to this principle.
It’s not what you get that’s tangible and physical that I’m talking about, it’s what you get on the inside that is the true gift, reward, and power you receive from authentic giving.
It’s the shift in your mind that creates new ability to craft solutions that expand abundance and give others the opportunity to live from abundance also. It’s the shifting your heart that makes your heart swell with love and compassion that moves you so deeply you well up with tears and that power can drive you much further than ANY self serving desire ever will!
It’s the shift in your body language that displays massive confidence because you’re no longer thinking or worried about what others think about you or your no longer interested in seeking out approval. People, partners, customers, followers, etc all become attracted to YOU because your success now has a bigger purpose than just you and people want to follow THAT purpose where there is very little ego, if any at all, and a whole bunch of meaning for everyone involved.
All of this and more are the “secret” rewards you get from authentic giving. And authentic giving only happens when you live from abundance…
Make Life An Adventure,