Live Well, Live Fully, Live Alive!
This is such a good message from this professor who found out he only had a short time left on this Earth. It’s a life altering dose of reality (in a good and positive way).
There’s a saying I love to reference frequently that says, “On everyone’s head stone there will 3 things. Two dates and dash in the middle. The dash in the middle represents everything about your life”.
And if you could extract your life from that dash into a vivid colorful movie on a giant screen and watch it, what would your life look like?
What would it mean to you?
How would you say you lived? Do you live well today? Do you live fully today? Are you alive or just doing the time waiting to check out?
Each day, no, each moment is a choice. You can choose to find everything that lights your fire and fuels the opportunity for you to live well or you can choose something else.
To me, the only thing that matter when it comes to making a life worth living is choosing the things that empower you and enable you to live well, live fully, and live alive!
This video is a great reminder that the clock is always ticking so find the beauty in each moment, even the tough ones. Be grateful that you have someone to love and that someone loves you.
Be grateful for the challenges in life that make you stronger. Welcome the adversity that forces you to expand your perceptions about yourself, others, and life in general.
Look at your kids, your wife, your husband, your mom, dad, sister, or brother, and appreciate all the color and depth they add to your life that creates smiles and laughs that truly are the core ingredients required to live fully.
Be grateful for all the help you’ve received and be patient with all the help that you give.
And most importantly, never stop searching for the things that light up your soul and fill your heart with love and gratitude because with those things, it’s impossible to not live well, live fully, and live 100% alive!
Make Life An Adventure!