Living A Fulfilling Life
If you’d have asked me if I would ever cage dive with Great White sharks, ride camels around the Pyramids in Egypt, do the highest bungee jump in the world, or any of the other of the amazing adventures I’ve experience in my life when I was a kid, I probably would have looked at you like you were crazy.
Now I’m doing the longest zip line in the world and I thought it was a great time to remind about something you already know.
There is a HUGE difference between being alive and actually living what most would consider living a fulfilling life.
Every person, when they reach the end of their life, is going to look back and analyze whether or not they spent there time living a fulfilling life or not.
Living a fulfilling life really isn’t that hard to do. Make a bucket list of a couple hundred things you believe would be classified as living a full filing life and start checking them off!
Make your life an amazing adventure full of fun, excitement, fulfillment, passion, and joy by living versus just doing the time being alive.
And if you’re thinking to yourself that I must be crazy like I would have thought you were if you asked me if my life would turn out how it has, remember that I thought that way once upon a time also.
But I proved myself wrong and I am living a fulfilling life, an amazing life, and a life full of epic adventures so why can’t you?
The truth is, YOU CAN! You just need to decide to do it.
Make Life An Adventure!